Vigilante 8 Character

A handheld interpretation of a very, very 3D game is bound to have some funk attached to it. This is the case with Vactical Entertainment's take on Activision's PS/N64 classic, Vigilante 8.

You can re-lock the cheats you put by entering UNDOWHEELS 3times in the bars. ( Press X on any person and enter UNDOWHEELS after pressing L1+R1 together, and press X. Then press X on any other person ( BUT NOT THE PERSON YOU CLICKED BEFORE) and enter UNDOWHEELS after pressing L1+R1 together, and press X. Then press X on any other person ( BUT NOT THE PERSON YOU CLICKED BEFORE) and enter UNDOWHEELS after pressing L1+R1 together, and press X, this will be the 3rd time.). Save it.

You can even put the other codes to unlock cheats, BUT ONLY AFTER DOING THE ABOVE TWO POINTS (1&2).Submitted by: alleymann Unlock All Cars Access the Password screen. Enter the following code to unlock all cars. This code is good throughout the game.Enter: LLAKCOLNUEasy Weapons at the Launch Site Go to the tower in the middle of the level. Now go to the tunnel thatdoesn't go thru. Wait until the lights above are green then drive in. Youwill be taken up onto the tower and a booster rocket will be straped to theback of your car.

Then you will be shot into the air and dropped. There willbe anything from specials to radar jammers. You can do this as many timesas you want.(NOTE:this trick will not work if the tower is gone!)Get your regular wheels back. When you recieve a icon that allowes your car to change from wheels to(example)a snow mobile, you might realize that you do not loose it rightaway. A easy way to return back to your normal wheels is to press the R1+L2button and the car will have its normal wheels backExtra Salvage Points To get 3 times as much salvage points, destroy your opponents using yourspecial weapon.How to Fly When you get Hover Power ups, hold UP and rapidly press X.Crater Maker While playing make sure you have at least 5 morter shells. Then press down, down, down, up, machine gun.Floating Mine While playing make sure you have at least 2 mines.

Then press, left, left, right, right, machine gun.Change car color When choosing your car press 'O' Then you may select your color. You can alsocontrol your brightness.How to enter Passwords Highlight 'Game Status' at the Options menu. Then press L1 + R1 and press X twice.Gives all cars big wheels. Enter this code at the password screen: GOMONSTERMakes cars heavier and better rammers Enter this code at the password screen: GORAMMINGAttract enemies Enter this code at the password screen: UNDERFIREFast action Enter this code at the password screen: QUICKPLAYAttraction mines You need at least 2 mines for this. When you have the mines, press left, right, then down andmachine gun at the same time to get an attraction mine.High suspensions Enter this code at the password screen:JACKITUPFlood Louisiana level To flood the Louisiana level you go up to the 2 bridges with the wrenchesthat you cant reach. There should be a wheel, shoot it until the bridgestops going up, then go to the other bridge and do the same, when the 2ndbridge stops moving you'll here a bell ring three times and you'll here thewater rushing, hurry and get a water ski power up and you get the highitems in quest mode, It only floods for about a minute then the water goesdown.Arizona Aliens In the Arizona stage, blow up the observatory. Then wait near the craterand you'll see a huge meteor smash into it.Blow up the meteor and an alienthat shoots laser beams will come out.

Once you kill it another meteor willappear and the process keeps repeating.Invincibility Access the Password screen. Enter the following code to receive Invincibility. This code is good throughout the game.Enter: ELBICNIVNIMaximum Statistics Access the Password screen. Enter the following code receive Maximum Statistics. This code is good throughout the game.Enter: LLADORTOH Original Levels (No V8 disc required) If you don't have the 1st Vigilante 8and want to play the old levels, then enter this code: OLDLEVELSView All Endings At the password screen enter: LONGMOVIE. Just click on the character whose ending you want to see.

Sometimes the ending link together so you can see the whole story.Original Levels (Vigilante 8 CD required) Pause game play, remove the game disk, then insert an original Vigilante 8CD. The message 'V8 Levels Enabled' will confirm correct code entry.Insert the Vigilante 8: Second Offense disk again.

Quit the current gameto access the original Vigilante 8 levels as well as well as the secret levels! NOTE: you cannot save these levels and will have to enter the code each time.Weapons Moves List The numbers are how much ammo the move takes up.

There is also a definitionfor each special.

Secret Areas In The GameCanyonlands:#1 To get the stuff in the air in the valley, wait under them in the middle circle and eventually after a miniute or two you will be picked up recieve the stuff, and be teleported randomly around the course.Aircraft Graveyard:#1 If you go to the area with all the planes that you can climb on thier wings, go to the very back of the course to find a billboard thingy. If you shoot it, it will fall down to reveal a hidden path! #2 If you go to the middle of the course there is a bunch of airplanes.

If you keep circling the pile you will find a weird crushing thing. There are two on the track. If you destroy the right one you can go through and there will be a wing that goes upward. Drive up the wing and you will land in a secret areana!

To get out,there is another wing that leads out of the areana!Ski Resort:#1 To create an avalache go to the top right side of the hill and if you shoot down the right tree it will create one!#2 to ride the trolleys up and down the course, go to the back of the 'trolley garage' and you will see a metal door. Shoot the metal door and it will open to reveal a black hole. If you drive through it when the trolley is 'parked' you will be able to ride it. To unlock all characters & WeaponsGo to the options menu and select 'Game Status'. Highlight any driver and press Circle (passcode), then enter 'WMNNWLHTSCUCLH' as a passcode. This will unlock all hidden characters, levels, and 'Y' the Alien.InvincibilityEnter 'IWILLNOTDIE' as a passcode.No enemiesEnter 'GOSIGHTSEEING' as a passcode.Low gravityEnter 'REDUCEGRAVITY' as a passcode.View FMV sequencesEnter 'SEEALLMOVIES' as a passcode.Expert modeEnter 'HARDESTOFALL' as a passcode.Same vehicles in two player modeEnter 'SAMECHARACTER' as a passcode.

This will make it so both players can choose the same vehicles in two player mode.Monster truck tiresEnter 'MONSTERWHEELS' as a passcode. This will make your tires big.More powerful missilesEnter 'DEADLYMISSILE' as a passcode. This will make your homing missiles do more damage.Change musicWait until a level completes loading, then switch the game CD with an audio CD of your choice. Pause the game to select a new audio track.

Vigilante 8 characters

A prompt for the game CD will appear after the level is exited.Special weaponsEnter the following actions while playing a game to active the special attack of the indicated weapon. Launch Space rockets at Opponent.On the Secret Base in Nevada you can send space rockets at your opponent. Before you play, drive as Y the Alien. When you start the level, drive to thebig building in the back. On the sides are some doors you can break through. Drive straight through them at top speed.

Jetpack joyride pc download. Jetpack Joyride is an arcade-action game where you avoid hitting objects while collecting coins. Jetpack Joyride has been on iOS and Android for a while now but it has finally made its way onto Windows 8. The game is designed for touch but you can still play with a mouse.

When you reach the other side try to get inside of the black circle and also try to stay there. While your in the circle, fire your machine guns like crazy. In about 3 seconds it should blast off. Get out of the way or youll get burnt. Also the blast does do considerable damage.

Sand Factory trickFirst enter the sand factory then collect about 20rounds of the sky hammer mortar lure a vehicle by a mound(PREFERABLY THE BUS)when it is on the edge of the mound use the special attack crater maker at least twice(DownDownUpthen fire machineguns)and it will make a huge hole jump in and shoot the mound with rockets while you are in the hole if done corect the mound will sink into the earth unleveled jump out and then level the mound and it will make a natural ditch that will never fill back up. (Trap enimies in it and total them) E Mail Me if you like this trick.