Blood Knights Review

Review: Blood Knights (PS3). It took me all of five minutes to realise I was not going to enjoy my time with Blood Knights. In that first five minutes. Buy Blood Knights Download: Read 2 Video Games Reviews -

Hey all, with the sudden announcement of the 'Knights of Blood' units, I'm sure many of you are wondering what the hype and anger is all about. In this post, I'll list their stats as well as my personal opinion on the units.

I have all the current KoB units in Japan. I'll try to show my thoughts as best as I can.

What are the Knights of Blood?.The Knights of Blood were the 2nd Year Anniversary units in the JP version of the game. For reference, the Freedom Fighters (Freed, Sonije, etc.) were all 1st Year Anniversary units.The Knights of Blood are a group of Demons with a special ability called 'Magia Drive.' This acts like a buff that will change the unit's True Art into their actual attack, while also providing benefits for a couple minutes.These units will each have their own chapter in a large, enthralling story.They took part in the Gods Vs Demon war. The Gods/Angels side included units like Platina, Sanstone, and Nies.Stats and Skills Berwick StatMax Lv AmountTasmonHP6856999ATK2992458DEF2241346Slots.5 Star - Magic.5 Star - Magic.4 Star - SupportAttack TypeDescriptionBreak PowerSkill2200% Magical Fire Damage.

Chance to Burn enemy.1000Arts14400% Magical Fire Damage. Increase ALL Ally Arts Gauge by 25. Additional, for 10 seconds, increase Fire-Attribute Ally Art Gauge by 2.2100True ArtsMagia Drive - First activation of True Arts activates Magia Drive Passive for 180 seconds.-True Arts (Magia)While in Magia Drive, 37000% Magical Fire Damage. For 15 seconds, increase ALL Ally Damage Dealt by 50%. Also, increase Fire-Attribute Ally Damage Dealt by additional 50% (totaling 100% bonus).4000Passives:.Damage to Earth-Attribute Enemy increase by 25%.Water Resistance increase by 25%.Magia Drive - Upon first activation of True Arts, enter Magia Drive. Immediately grant 200 Arts Gauge to Berwick.

Increase Critical Rate by 100%. Increase Arts Gauge by 3 per second.True Weapon 'Fomalhaut'ATK - +500Active: 7200% Magical Fire Damage. For 10 seconds, Enemy Fire resist DOWN by 50%. Break Power 1200.Cooldown: 50 secondsPassives:.When equipped by Berwick, Stats and Damage dealt increases by 30%. (Only once).Increase Damage dealt to Earth-Attribute enemy by 20%My Thoughts on BerwickThis is the first Knight of Blood that Global will receive, and is also Chapter 1 in the story. When he first came out in Japan, we all got shocked by how powerful Berwick was. His Arts is very efficient.

It provides arts to all teammates, and if they happen to be fire unit (which Berwick is one!), they get additional art over time. Even if the units aren't fire, a nice team-wide art gain is always great. In other words, he can work on just about any team composition.His True Arts is also fantastic.

He provides a large damage buff to all allies. And if the ally is fire (Again, Berwick self buffing himself too.), they get an extra damage bonus. Not to mention, Berwick gets guaranteed critical when he activates Magia Drive. In other words, not only is he good with a Supporter role, he also takes on a strong DPS role.Both his Arts and True Arts are useful for any team composition! Note that his Magia lasts a full 3 minutes.

So he's rather useful in long-term battles as well. Riviera StatMax Lv AmountTasmonHP6576996ATK3228494DEF2088323Slots.5 Star - Physical.5 Star - Magic.4 Star - PhysicalAttack TypeDescriptionBreak PowerSkill2800% Physical Earth Damage.

Increase own Arts Gauge by 15.1000Arts19000% Physical Earth Damage. Increase own Critical Rate by 10% with each Arts Activation. (Max 50%)2000True ArtsMagia Drive - First activation of True Arts activates Magia Drive Passive for 60 seconds.-True Arts (Magia)While in Magia Drive, 42000% Physical Earth Damage.

Increase own Arts Gauge by 100.3500Passives:.At beginning of each stage, increase Arts Gauge by 100.Increase Critical Rate by 50%.Magia Drive - Upon first activation of True Arts, enter Magia Drive. Immediately increase Arts Gauge by 100. Increase Critical Damage by 150%. Damage dealt to Riviera increase by 30%.True Weapon 'Tempest'ATK - +500Active: 14000% Physical Earth Damage.

If used by Earth Unit, increase Arts by 50. Break Power 800Cooldown: 100 secondsPassives:.When equipped by Riviera, Damage Up 30%. Negate Paralysis and Freezing.Increase Accuracy by 20%My Thoughts on RivieraFirst things first.

Yes, her Magia Drive increases incoming damage to Riviera. Riviera is definition of a Glass Cannon. However, enemies can't damage you if they dead right? Anyway, Riviera is like a Freed / Saar unit. She starts with innate 50% Critical Rate, but you can expand it to 100% by using her Arts 5 times.

Thankfully, her Skill lets her get Arts rather quickly. Not only that, but she gets 100 arts each stage, so there should be no reason why you don't have 100% critical on her.When she's in Magia Drive, Riviera gets 100 Additional Arts with each usage of her True Arts!

In other words, you only need 100 more arts to use another True Arts! If you are using an Art Generator in the team, she will always be doing True Arts non-stop.

Thetis StatMax Lv AmountTasmonHP7682999ATK2332359DEF3188488Slots.5 Star - Defense.5 Star - Physical.4 Star - DefenseAttack TypeDescriptionBreak PowerSkill1500% Physical Water Damage. For 7 seconds, Enemy Break Resist DOWN 15%.1800Arts8000% Physical Water Damage. Damage based on 1.5x own DEF stat.

For 15 seconds, redirect all ally Damage to Thetis and gain 10000 Damage Barrier.3000True ArtsMagia Drive - First activation of True Arts activates Magia Drive Passive for 120 seconds.-True Arts (Magia)While in Magia Drive, 30000% Physical Water Damage. For 30 seconds, immune to Poison and Burn; also, redirect all ally Damage to Thetis and gain 25000 Damage Barrier5800Passives:.When an Ally dies, revive that Ally with 50% HP. Only activates once per quest.Increase Critical Damage Resistance by 60%.Magia Drive - Upon first activation of True Arts, enter Magia Drive. Immediately increase Arts Gauge by 100.

Reduce all Damage Received by 25%. Increase Arts Gauge by 1 for each HIT received.True Weapon 'Adams Gear'DEF - +500Active: For 15 seconds, increase Target's Damage Resistance by 35%.Cooldown: 30 secondsPassives:.When equipped by Thetis, increase Damage Dealt by 30%. Max HP increase by 2000. Negate Paralysis, Freeze, Seal. (Only Once).When there's a Barrier on Thetis, increase Barrier Damage Resistance by 20%My Thoughts on ThetisHere's another Celia/Gerald Taunter Unit. Except, Thetis' Arts actually do MORE than Gerald / Celia's True Arts.

Thetis is interesting in that he is also a pseudo-breaker. His skill reduces break resistance, while his arts and true arts actually have rather high break values, for some reason. Not to mention, his True Arts also does quite a lot of damage.Thetis also never has to worry about getting low hp from Poison or Burn. He completely nullifies and resists them after using his True Arts.

Also, when he is in Magia Drive, every hit on Thetis will grant him 1 additional art. In other words, there are some cases where Thetis instantly gains his TA, or at least gets very close to it. This is because some bosses have attacks with very high hit count.Out of the current Knights of Blood True Weapons, Thetis' is probably the best one. Not only does it make him tankier from both the passive and active, it also increases his damage, while also doing a slight heal AND makes him immune to paralyze and freeze. It's almost like he's immune to statuses in general. Vox StatMax Lv AmountTasmonHP6891999ATK2895444DEF2137330Slots.5 Star - Physical.5 Star - Support.4 Star - HealingAttack TypeDescriptionBreak PowerSkill2400% Physical Water Damage.

Increase own Arts Gauge by 20. If in Magia Drive, increases own Arts Gauge by additional 20.1000Arts18000% Physical Water Damage. For 12 seconds, increase all Ally Stats by 30%.2800True ArtsMagia Drive - First activation of True Arts activates Magia Drive Passive for 180 seconds.-True Arts (Magia)While in Magia Drive, 45000% Physical Water Damage.

Additionally, for 15 seconds, increase all Ally Critical Rate by 100%.4000Passives:.Increase Critical Damage by 80%.Increase all Ally Accuracy by 30%. (Only once).Magia Drive - Upon first activation of True Arts, enter Magia Drive. Increase Skill CT and ATK by 100%True Weapon 'Zanketsu'ATK - +500Active: 12000% Physical Water Damage. For 10 seconds, increase own Skill CT by 50%.

Break Power 2000Cooldown: 35 secondsPassives:.When equipped by Vox, increase all Stats and Critical Rate by 20%. Increase Evasion Rate by 10%. (Only once).Increase Battle Ether Gain by 15%My Thoughts on VoxVox is by far, the most overpowered unit on Grand Summoners (so far). First, let's talk about his Skill.

He immediately gains 20 arts per skill usage. Not only that, during Magia Drive, his arts gain becomes 40 per skill usage. His skill is already making him self sustainable. Art Generator? Who needs one?Now onto his Arts. You may not know this, but Stat increases count as a heal.

Vox is essentially a 30% HP Healer. Since it's a Stat increase instead of a heal though, it can bypass the Disease status. You can make Vox your team's healer, while also having him do great damage.Finally, Vox's True Arts is probably the most boring part about him. But that damage percentage is crazy high.

Not only that, but he guarantees critical for everyone, making Vox into a nuke. Don't have Regulus? With Vox you have someone better.In my opinion, if Vox is graded for a Tier List, he would be his own tier at SSS. I'm not even exaggerating.

His adaptability is very high. He can be a DPS, a Healer, and his slots can let him equip a 5 Star Support Item like Milim's Clothes!

He makes dungeons laughably easy and also destroys raids quickly. He absolutely changed the meta game when he released in Japan. Swordsman Berwick StatMax Lv AmountTasmonHP7016999ATK2915447DEF2188338Slots.5 Star - Physical.5 Star - Defense.4 Star - SupportAttack TypeDescriptionBreak PowerSkill1600% Physical Fire Damage. Increase own Arts Gauge by 20.

If in Magia Drive, increases own Arts Gauge by additional 20.700Arts12000% Physical Fire Damage. For 10 Seconds, increase all Ally Arts Gauge by 3 per second.1800True ArtsMagia Drive - First activation of True Arts activates Magia Drive Passive for 180 seconds.-True Arts (Magia)While in Magia Drive, 40000% Physical Fire Damage. For 10 seconds, increase all Ally Max HP by 20% and all Ally Physical Damage dealt by 100%.3500Passives:.When near death, increase Skill CT speed by 50%.Increase Water Resistance by 25%.Magia Drive - Upon first activation of True Arts, enter Magia Drive.

Increase Skill CT speed and Skill Damage dealt by 100%True Weapon 'Zanketsu'ATK - +500Active: 12000% Physical Water Damage. For 10 seconds, increase own Skill CT by 50%. Break Power 2000Cooldown: 35 secondsPassives:.When equipped by Swordsman Berwick, increase Damage dealt by 30%. Additionally, gains 30 Arts Gauge per stage. (Only once).Increase Battle Ether Gain by 15%My Thoughts on Swordsman BerwickJust to make things clear, yes, he uses Vox's True Weapon.

Reason being is story related. Anyway, this is the second version of Berwick.

He's the new Knights of Blood commander. His abilities are a healthy mix of Vox and the regular Berwick. While Vox is more dps-based, Swordsman Berwick is more of a supporter role, which is more in line with how he was originally.

His damage is not going to be as strong as Vox, but 100% physical ally damage is nothing to scoff at. Heck, you can even use both Vox and Swordsman Berwick in the same team for insane damage.Swordsman Berwick's pseudo-healing is on his True Arts instead of his Arts, which makes him arguably a bit more of a balanced Vox. That said, he's still dangerously powerful. Unfortunately, Berwick's Art generation of his Arts will not stack with Zenon, Norn, Sonije, etc. But he will stack fine with Rimuru, Fen, etc. You can pair up with the normal Berwick as well.In other words, Swordsman Berwick is highly versatile and should fit in most teams quite easily.

Rosetta StatMax Lv AmountTasmonHP7453999ATK2388368DEF2311356Slots.5 Star - Support.5 Star - Support.4 Star - MagicAttack TypeDescriptionBreak PowerSkill1400% Magical Water Damage. For 5 seconds, reduce Enemy Evasion by 10%700Arts8000% Magical Water Damage. Chance to Paralyze Enemy. If activated during Magia Drive, increase duration of own Magia Drive by 15 seconds.1700True ArtsMagia Drive - First activation of True Arts activates Magia Drive Passive for 50 seconds.-True Arts (Magia)While in Magia Drive, 22600% Magical Water Damage. For 10 seconds, reduce Enemy Water and Magic Resistance by 35%.

For 25 seconds, increase all Ally Art Gauge (except self) by 3 Arts per second.2800Passives:.Increase Accuracy by 10%.Reduce Seal chance and duration by 30%.Magia Drive - Upon first activation of True Arts, enter Magia Drive. Increase Magic Damage deal by 20%. Gain 10 Arts per second.True Weapon 'Asterisk'HP - + 250ATK - +125DEF - + 125Active: Increase all Ally Art Gauge by 20. For 10 seconds, increase all Ally Art gauge by 2 per second (Except Self).Cooldown: 60 secondsPassives:.When equipped by Rosetta, increase Arts Gauge by 1 per second. Increase Rosetta Magia Drive duration by 20s. (Only once).Increase Magic Damage dealt by 20%My Thoughts on RosettaHoo boy.

Rosetta is an odd one out. In my personal opinion, Rosetta is the most balanced of the Knights of Blood. In other words, she's not necessarily overpowered like the others. First of all, Rosetta needs to be in Magia Drive to activate her Art Generation. In other words, you need 200 Arts to activate Magia, and then 200 more on top of that to even start the Generation process. Also, Rosetta's True Arts do NOT generate arts for herself. Rosetta makes up for that with her two 5 Star Support slots.

During Magia, she also generates 10 arts per second. This is ONLY during the Magia time. Speaking of which, her Magia is a measly 50 seconds. You can increase it to 70 seconds minimum with her True Weapon.Her damage is also rather subpar.

But that's mostly because she's heavily a support-based unit. Rosetta is oddly a selfless unit.

She works to help allies, instead of helping herself. The general idea is to use her True Arts to activate Art Generation for allies, then spam her Arts to keep her Magia up and running. Despite being the most awkward of the Knights of Blood, it does not make her bad. She will still be invaluable on certain teams. Leone StatMax Lv AmountTasmonHP6912999ATK2723418DEF2669410Slots.5 Star - Support.5 Star - Support.4 Star - DefenseAttack TypeDescriptionBreak PowerSkill1300% Magical Light Damage. Absorb 3% of Damage Dealt700Arts19700% Magical Light Damage.

Consume 15% of own HP. For 20 seconds, Critical Damage Up by 40%2500True ArtsTrue Magia - First activation of True Arts activates True Magia Passive for 120 seconds.-True Arts (Magia)While in True Magia, 37700% Magical Dark Damage. Reduce HP by 25%.4000Passives:.Increase Magic Resistance by 20%.True Magia - Upon first activation of True Arts, enter True Magia. Gain infinite Arts Gauge. When Unit takes lethal damage, survives with 1 HP, Arts Gauge becomes 0, and becomes Invincible for 1 second. This will end True Magia.True Weapon 'Exgate'HP - + 250ATK - +125DEF - + 125Active: For 15 seconds, Target's Arts Gauge increase by 10/s; Additionally, all Allies' Crit Rate increases by 100%Cooldown: 70 secondsPassives:.When equipped by Leone, increase own Damage Dealt by 30% and own Healing by 10%.

When activating True Magia, HP heals by 100%. (Only once).Increase Magic Damage dealt by 20%My Thoughts on LeoneDue to story reasons, Leone's Magia Drive is simply called 'True Magia.' Some may refer it to 'Coffin Mode.' Anyway, Leone is quite the attacker. She's durable, and does crazy damage. What's odd is that her slots have her similar to a supporter.

Just like Rosetta, Leone has the benefit of having two Support Slots and they are both fives! Do note that Leone's True Weapon overall, does less Art Gauge gain compared to LDH, however that should not matter too much.Do note that Leone is terribly suicidal in her skillset.

Both her Arts and True Arts reduce her own HP, similar to Ragsherum. Despite that, Leone has ways to combat that issue. Her True Weapon is highly recommended for her, since it instantly heals her back up to 100% whenever she re-enters True Magia. Also, when she's about to die, she's momentarily invincible as well. That said, I would highly recommend having a healer to support Leone.Anyway, to get to the nitty gritty, Leone is a consistent DPS unit.

Her True Magia is exactly as you read. Leone gets infinite Arts Gauge on True Magia mode. This means you can enter True Magia, use Arts to increase Crit Damage, then spam True Arts. If you have Leone's True Weapon, the guaranteed Crit Chance will annihilate anyone standing in your way. Despite all these benefits, remember that Leone is strictly an attacker, and nothing else. I would compare her to Riviera's role.

Also one last thing to note, Leone's True Arts uses Dark Damage, NOT Light. Duke StatMax Lv AmountTasmonHP7077999ATK2538390DEF2613401Slots.5 Star - Physical.5 Star - Physical.4 Star - DefenseAttack TypeDescriptionBreak PowerSkill2200% Physical Dark Damage.

If in Magia Drive, increase Arts by 20 and increase Skill's Break Power by 10002400Arts18000% Physical Dark Damage. For 10 seconds, increase Enemy Damage Taken by 30%. If Enemy is in Break State, Enemy Damage Taken becomes 60% instead3500True ArtsMagia Drive- First activation of True Arts activates Magia Drive Passive for 120 seconds.-True Arts (Magia)While in Magia Drive, 34000% Physical Dark Damage. Additionally, increase Break Power by 5% of Damage Dealt during True Arts9900Passives:.At beginning of Giant Boss Battle, reduce Break Gauge to Half. Raid Bosses take 20000 Break Damage instead. Can only be activated once per quest.Magia Drive - Upon first activation of True Arts, enter Magia Drive.

Increase own Arts by 100. When Boss enters Break State during Magia Drive, increase Arts by 100.True Weapon 'Vanish'ATK - +500Active: 9900% Physical Dark Damage. For 10 seconds, increase all Ally Skill CT by 30%Cooldown: 50 secondsPassives:.When equipped by Duke, increase Damage Dealt by 30% and Skill CT by 50%. (Only once).Increase Damage to Enemies in Break State by 20%My Thoughts on DukeThe supposed last chapter of the Knights of Blood? Duke serves as the Breaker of the group, since that main role was not done by anyone else.

His Breaking is essentially unmatched. His True Arts gives Break Damage based on his True Arts Damage (5%). So let's say Duke somehow does a measly 200k damage, 5% of that is already 10k extra break! Duke can complete with other Breakers WITHOUT Break Down, or Break Up debuffs/buffs.

That is to say, the True Arts ability will only work IF Duke does damage. For instance, if you use Duke against Ragsherum Phantom, Duke's True Arts extra break will not activate because he is doing 0 damage to that barrier. That said, his regular Break damage is already monstrous, being at 9900 base Break damage!If you apply Duke's True Weapon, Duke can serve as a pseudo-DPS role.

His damage is not as high as other main role dps units, but his damage is still rather notable for a breaker. Speaking of breaking, he also essentially acts as a full upgrade to Est because Duke halves Giant Boss break gauges like what Est was capable of.Do note that Duke's slots are a bit awkward. You generally want Break Buffs / Debuffs, but Duke cannot carry those without losing some stats. Also he does not have a Support Equip for the awesome Keion. That said, you will generally have other units in the party anyway, so this issue essentially becomes a nonissue. VideosWant to see the units in action?

Here's a couple Videos to help you get started.Shameless self-advertising plug:.- All 4 currently released units are in this video. The Malice raid is an 'impossible' level difficulty. It was NOT meant to be cleared by many people.

Vox was the only reason why this completion was possible.- I wasn't kidding when I said Vox can sustain himself. It's been proven that this dungeon can be done with just 2 Vox, but here's a video with 4 of them. (I wanted another unit, but I got 4 of this guy instead.)Jen's Knights of Blood Video Guides:Jen is a popular Discord member that is creating Video Guides of popular units. I suggest you check her channel out!.Some Questions and AnswersAre my Slime Collab units now useless?. Not really.

If you managed to snag Benimaru and Milim from the Collab, I congratulate you. They both pair very well with Berwick. Lots of nuking shenanigans.Will the Knights of Blood all release at same time?. No they will not. Most likely, they will each have their own 2 Week banner.What are the stats of Duke and Juno?

They are Knights of Blood members too right?. We literally do not have any information on upcoming units. Knights of Blood seemingly finished, but we still do not know much about Juno.How would you prioritize the Knights of Blood? I cannot afford all of them!. Personally, I would say Vox Berwick = Thetis = Sword Berwick Duke Leone = Riviera = Rosetta.

Blood knight 5e

That said, Leone, Riviera and Rosetta are still very good despite being the 'worst' out of all of them. Riviera will always do insane damage, but she is purely DPS and nothing more.

Leone shares a similar role to Riviera, but is Magic Damage instead. Rosetta is also a single role, being purely Support and nothing more.What are each of the Knights of Blood roles?. Berwick = Support / DPS; Riviera = Large Phys DPS; Thetis = Defender / Breaker; Vox = DPS / Healer; Sword Berwick = DPS / Support; Rosetta = Support; Leone = Large Mag DPS; Duke = Breaker / DPSWhen are the Knights of Blood releasing?. Berwick will release this week. Grid wars ii game.

If GL is following JP order (which they most likely will due to event chapters), then Riviera will be next, followed by Thetis, and Vox. Next would be Sword Berwick and Rosetta. After that is Leone and finally, Duke. Note, we can only estimate their release dates, but have no actual information besides that they exist.For any additional information, please do check the official GS discord (located on the Side bar of this reddit).We have a channel called #knights-of-blood-info.Happy Summoning!. Completely agree, coming from brave frontier one of my biggest gripes with this game is that there is a lack of information on it. Finding information is much harder as the wikis aren't updated and you have to search more for things like guides on how to beat giant bosses.

Even youtube seems to have a lot less videos than what I've seen with other games.​Granted, I do miss one of the things we saw on Brave Frontier where one of the players would actually decode the game info and break it down, so you knew exactly how many hits, how much 'Arts' or 'Healing' an attack would grant, and it gave the exact% of abilities instead of sayin 'Chance to paralyze' you knew it was 30%/40%/60%. Even in discord some of the information is spotty. Again, you have the tier list, and the reroll guide, but again nothing tells a new player a 'Why'. It's the old saying 'Give a man a fish he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish he'll eat for a lifetime', many of the guides on there are just 'giving a man a fish' sure the new player will start off ok, but as they play and get new units they won't know how to make the best team and will constantly have to ask.

They.may. pick it up over time, but better written guides might help out more.​​. In a recent Q&A in this reddit, it was revealed that the developers of GS are actively speeding up development in order for global to get kept up with the jp version. This is not a sign of desperation, but shows that they are indeed speeding everything up to get kept up, they also claim to potentially add global only content and excited to see what how far global can go. The game just recently got 1 million downloads for global, theres no hint that they are planning to shut down the game and the slime collab, bringing in more players is an extra plus.

There’s mediocrity in the blood.When I booted up Blood Knights, I had no clue as to what this game would be. I figured it would be a standard hack ‘n slash brawler with some throwaway story and bland visuals while mixing in vampire lore and bad voice acting. Somehow, I guessed that flawlessly by just reading the title and looking at the digital box art. Well, I guess my review is over. Wait, I have to write more? Here’s Blood Knights.Blood Knights tells the story of Jeremy.

Jeremy is a vampire hunter working for a holy order. The leader of the order has spiritually bounded a vampire named Alysa to Jeremy to use as a guide through the treacherous quest to hunt down and destroy all vampires in the land. On a mission, Jeremy is turned into one of his sworn enemies and is left for dead by his human brethren. Now, he and Alysa must travel the land in search for the order’s leader and do something. Yeah, I’m making this more dramatic than it is. I really can’t remember what the story was trying to do.

Vampires hate garlic.Staying true to the hack ‘n slash nature, the game features a combo system with a very simplistic layout. Jeremy will string together attacks using X. He can also use special attacks like the heavy and a whirlwind attack that both require a cool down before use again.

Players can switch to Alysa on the fly by hitting Y. She uses dual crossbows that fire constantly at enemies. She also has special attacks that consist of throwing grenades and using fire arrows.The game breaks down into levels the two characters traverse. It all revolves around the same thing.

Some platforming mixed in with a lot of pop-up enemies that players slaughter. Then move on the next area and do it again.

Occasionally, I ran into simple puzzles and traps that require a bit of precision jumping but it’s never revolutionary or difficult. In fact, for the most part, the entire experience was a cake walk.There are some RPG elements thrown in as well, but it feels almost unnecessary. Dying light bad blood gameplay.

I ran into numerous chests that contained new equipment I could place on both my characters. Every time I found a chest, which happens every five minutes or so, it would contain a weapon or piece of armor that was an improvement from what I had equipped. I’m talking EVERYTHING I found. There was no trade off for buffs or powers, it was always better.

The same goes for the leveling system.Since this is a level-driven game, I had to kill every enemy in the level so I was going to gain that experience no matter what. So what was the point of leveling up? Why not just have me play the level without saying “Oh, look, you got more powerful.” No, I just slashed my way through it. YOU said I got more powerful. When leveling up, I was able to put a point into perks for both characters. These make certain attacks stronger or may allow attacks to stun or knock back enemies. There are also coins hidden in every level.

Collecting five of these will allow the player to upgrade one attribute for each character.There are certain areas in the game that allow the characters to shop for equipment. Here is where players will get the full variety of weapons and armor that they can compare, but don’t get too excited. After another 30 minutes, I always found yet another better item waiting in a random chest on the battlefield.

I need lives for the master!Since they are vampires, they can suck the blood out of skewered humans spread throughout the levels as well as drain some blood out of enemies using a special force grab straight out of Star Wars. This grab can also be used to move things in the environment to uncover new paths.The voice acting and visuals all fall into the same category: bland. Some actors do a decent job, but I ran into a few that sounded like they were reading their script rather than acting it out.

The graphics are what anyone would come to expect of an isometric view XBLA title. They look like late PS2 graphics. The soundtrack is a bit of a standout. It does a decent job fitting with the overall feel, and even has a few fine scores.Now, I don’t want readers thinking I’m trashing on this game. Truth be told, it is an OK brawler. The combos work for the most part and the platforming is fine. It’s not like this is a glitchy game, it’s just such a standard experience.

The RPG elements are there but never really offer up much choice. The story is forgettable, and the voice acting is bad in some cases, but it doesn’t take away from the experience that much. Granted, it doesn’t last too long. I clocked in at around four and a half hours by the time the credits rolled.

Also fifteen dollars for an RPG-lite hack ‘n slash may be asking too much.Blood Knights is one of those games you’ll see one day for a ten dollar discount and say “Yeah, I’ll try it out.” And when you do, you may gather a bit of enjoyment out of it, but for fifteen bucks, this mediocre experience may be better off with the vampires for now.Review copy of game provided by