Trials Hd Xbox 360

Trials HD trailers, xbox live leaderboards, achievements, gamercards, release dates, news, reviews, screenshots, walkthroughs, cheats, and more on 360-HQ Xbox 360. Trials HD is an experience you haven’t seen before! (Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB) Fasten your helmetand unlock the full version of Trials HD. This physics-based motorcycle game has over 50 brilliant tracks and amazing HD graphics, in two unique game modes.

  • Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
AchievementHow to unlock
  • Bling ( 15 points )
  • The player has made at least 5 Gold-level performances.
  • Demon on Wheels ( 30 points )
  • The Player has completed all Extreme tracks.
  • Full Throttle ( 15 points )
  • The player has completed Container Rush without releasing the throttle even for an instant.
  • Leave Nothing in One Piece ( 5 points )
  • The player has completely destroyed the motorcycle and broken every single bone in a single crash.
  • Life is Harsh ( 20 points )
  • The player has completed all hard tracks.
  • Marathon ( 40 points )
  • The player has completed the Ultimate Endurance tournament without any faults.
  • Market Meltdown ( 15 points )
  • Skyrocketing in Stock Market is only temporary. Be prepared for the fall and the big bang.
  • Strike! ( 15 points )
  • Get a strike in a midnight bowling event.
  • The Challenger ( 10 points )
  • The player has unlocked the first tournament.
  • The Creator ( 5 points )
  • The player has saved his/her first custom track.
  • Trials Master ( 15 points )
  • The player has unlocked every track in the game.
  • Unyielding ( 15 points )
  • The player has completed Groundhog Returns faultlessly without changing the rider's posture.
  • Big Pack DLC Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
AchievementHow to unlock
  • Look Ma, I can fly! ( 20 points )
  • Bounce 5 trampolines in succession in Skyway to reach new heights.
  • No Deal ( 15 points )
  • Which box to choose and when to bailout?
  • Piggyback ( 15 points )
  • Catch a ride and surf on top of a lowrider in Dangerous Ride. Can you go the distance?
  • Big Thrills: Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
AchievementHow to unlock
  • Completionist ( 20 points )
  • The player has completed all of the Big Thrills tracks.
  • Detour ( 15 points )
  • Used a jetpack to sneak into the Secret Base undetected.
  • Donkey Challenge ( 15 points )
  • The player has completed 'Barrel of Laughs' faultlessly using the Micro Donkey bike.
  • Bikes

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bike.
BikeHow to unlock
  • Micro Donkey
  • Complete the National Bike Cup tournament with a Gold medal.
  • Phoenix EVO
  • Complete three medium tracks.
  • Reptile
  • Complete three beginner tracks.
  • Scorpion
  • Complete three easy tracks.
  • Easy difficulty

Complete three beginner tracks.
  • Extreme difficulty

Complete three hard tracks.
  • Gamer picture

When you unlock the 'Full Throttle' Achievement or complete all Extreme tracks, you also unlock a Trials HD gamer picture.
  • Hard difficulty

Complete three medium tracks.
  • Medium difficulty

Complete three easy tracks.
  • Middle Name: Danger: Hidden area

Slow down as you approach the end of the jump after the third checkpoint. Notice that while you are in the air, some of the logs underneath are knocked out by an explosion. Instead of continuing normally, try to land on the log just before the fire. Back up, and tilt backwards as you fall off the rear of the log. Continue to rotate and do a backflip to get your wheels level again. If you hit your head on a beam, you have backed up or rotated too slowly. If done correctly, you will drop down and land on a set of planks in a small room with another fire. Once again, back up and flip off the end of the planks in that room. You will land on a pile of boards and tires at the bottom, which will move. Drive over them and continue over the planks until you reach a ramp. A metal wall will drop down and you can see a model of the Fibonacci Spiral.
  • Mother Of All Jump: Hidden area

Get just before the end of the level. Pass the big jump then back up to the left end of the last platform to fall down. You will land in a hidden area. Note: You will crash if you do not land correctly. Stop very fast to avoid the large pile of bombs. This area has some primitive structures made from 2x4s of a deer and someone shooting at it with a bow and arrow.
  • Platinum Club

Complete an extreme track.
  • Skill games

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding skill game.
Skill gameHow to unlock
  • Delivery
  • Complete a beginner track with a Gold medal.
  • Down the Stairs
  • Complete two beginner tracks with Gold medals.
  • Flip Hunter
  • Complete two easy or medium tracks with Gold medals.
  • Giant Ball Outside
  • Complete three easy tracks with Gold medals.
  • Hill Climb
  • Complete two easy tracks with Gold medals.
  • In Flames
  • Complete three beginner tracks with Gold medals.
  • Infernal Pinball
  • Complete a medium track with a Gold medal.
  • Loose Screw
  • Complete three medium tracks with Gold medals.
  • Target Hunt
  • Complete an easy track with a Gold medal.
  • Tournaments

Complete all tracks in any of the eight tournaments to unlock the corresponding tournament.Xbox


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When a game is great, we refer to it as a 'beer warmer.' The genesis of this term? You sit down for an evening of gaming, open a beer, then find yourself so engrossed in the title that the next time you remember to take a sip, the beer's no longer cold. Microsoft has been releasing beer warmers with surprising regularity during this year's Summer of Arcade promotion, and the trend continues with the release of the sublime Trials HD.

What makes a motorcycle title—that doesn't even give you the ability to steer—so good? The case for keeping it simpleIn Trials HD, you're on a motorcycle in a 3D world, but you only have to worry about two dimensions. In fact, the only controls you have are a brake, the throttle, and the ability to lean backwards and forwards. The implementation of physics, especially the interaction between the bike and the game world that results from shifting your center of gravity on the bike, makes up the entirety of the gameplay.It sounds like a simple concept, but the levels are anything but easy.

You'll be flying through warehouses filled with loops, explosions, barely-balanced boards that require split-second timing to cross. Every level will give you something new and interesting to interact with as you try to make it to the finish line in the least possible time. The levels are filled with checkpoints, allowing you to restart a particularly nasty jump if you wipe out. The game also keeps you apprised of just how well you're doing in relation to your past attempts.You can get a bronze medal just by finishing a track, but the real challenge is unlocking the silver and gold medals to unlock new events and the higher difficulty levels.While the penalty for messing up may be low, the difficulty can be monstrously high.

The earlier tracks are fun and allow you to grasp the subtleties of play, but very soon you'll be white-knuckling your way through some very tricky—not to mention clever—tracks that operate almost like puzzles. There are also a selection of physics-based minigames to keep you busy, including a bizarre pinball-like game that has you being slammed around the level on giant flippers.While it may take some effort to unlock all these minigames, they're worth it, especially a mode where you are forced to 'aim' your bike around obstacles and through hoops while a rocket engine allows you to fly. Realism is not a virtue of Trials HD.The game also sports a track editor so you can create and share your own levels, and the leaderboards will provide a powerful incentive to continue honing your skills even if you're man or woman enough to finish all the tracks. Although there is no multiplayer, this is a game with a high show-off factor; you may find yourself inviting friends over to try to beat each other's times or to simply show off tricks and stunts you've perfected.Trials HD may be based —one that's still worth tracking down if you're reading this and don't have a 360—but the updated graphics and online features of the Xbox Live game make this the best release of Trials yet. If everyone reaches for their drink at the end of each track.

Well, that just means the game is doing something very right.Trials HD is available now on the Xbox Live Arcade for 1,200 points, or $15. During this year's Summer of Arcade, fresh games ruleWhile many people were initially excited about a re-released and spit-polished Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and a re-skinned Turtles in Time this year, the real quality has been in the new or independent games. Is an amazing take on platforming, Trials HD is the classic example of 'one more time' gameplay, and next week Epic brings us, the Unreal Engine 3-powered Metroid/Castlevania-style title that has gained a deafening buzz since E3.Bundling a mixture of classics together with new IP and hyping the hell out of both has been a great strategy for this year's Summer of Arcade, and the quality of the games has been far above average. Let's hope the promotion ends with a bang next week. Total conquest offline.