Toxic Crusaders Toy Commercial

Credit: Toys from the Past This Toxic Crusader toy line is based on the short-running cartoon of the same name. The cartoon was a spin-off of a series of comedy horror 'Toxic Avenger' movies about a young, wimpy man who was transformed into a mutated monster following a tumble into a vat of toxic waste. 'Nozone' of 'Toxic Crusaders' from Playmates Toys Toy Line. Classic Toy Commercial - the short lived but utterly awesome Toxic Crusaders cartoon.

The Trashed-out Hideous Hound!Radiation Type: Situpandbegonioum K9Toxicity Level: High enough to play deadOccupation: Part-time cat chaserDe-Tox Tip: Don't be a punk - recycle junk!It was a dark and stormy night. There I was, watch dog of the junkyard. A hobo crawled into my dog house for shelter.

I licked his face. A lightening bolt sizzled the side of a Toxic Waste drum. When the Toxic Waste washed away from my house, the hobo and I were fused together! But since I'm accustomed to living the life of a dog, I seized the opportunity to walk upright. I thought that I must surely be able to find work - not only can I fetch the morning paper, but now I can read it, too! That's how I found out about the Toxic Crusaders. I read that they fight chemical criminals in Tromaville.

Since I'm a victim of pollution, I decided to join forces with the Crusaders - and use my Toxic Tongue and my Dog Bone Brainer to bring law and order back to this world of ours. And now things couldn't be better - I'm a merry mongrel. Besides it beats chasing cars.

Toxic crusaders the movie

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