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Guild wars 2 forum ranger

Post to look for / advertise a guild, use. Use this subreddit as LFG. Exchange items (Sell/Buy/Donations).Optional description(#s 'Spoiler goes here')Content Filters.Related Subreddits. (Guild Wars 1). Regarding the part about WvW forum moderation. Here's basically how it goes:.Step 1 - Post complaint or bring up negative aspect of WvW.Step 2 - Post removed and infraction given because we say something bad about WvW that's not helpful.Step 3 - Bring up negative aspect of WvW, but then offer recommendations on how to improve game. Discussion that follows shows WvWers agree with issues.Step 4 - Post removed and another infraction given.Step 5 - Complain to Gaile that moderators being over zealous with removing a valid post.Step 6 - Infraction removed, apology for mod behavior, and post put back on forum, but now with a tag that says 'this user was infracted for this post'.

Gaile promises to remind mod team about forum policies.Step 7 - Forum moderators laugh that you dare talk back to your gods. Goes on a banning spree for most players from Maguuma.Step 8 - Create 3rd party forum because Anet had enough of us. However not promoting healthy cooperation us a consequence of bad game design that was further neglected. Not of inherent impossibility.Take you for example. Been demanding rangers be allowed in any squad on the forums for days.

A good alternative to the Piercing Shot. Phozon Burst (Psypher lvl learned: 19 / Psypher gauges used: 2). Odin sphere wiki.

Because that fits how you see 'open squads'.Unfortunately the game doesn't promote healthy cooperation, so many comms that want to actually lead and do more than low end ktrain know they cant be as inclusive as you demand. Because it promotes players being entirely selfish to where they plain dont want to lead anymore.You consider this OK, they don't need to tag. But when they tag open they must allow you to do whatever.I find that if I tag and can find 50 players willing to join that dont mind the requirements, I'll tag for those.

And the rangers and thieves? Well theres 70 ppl on a map and 50 in queue, they're expendable.A server can be inclusive or it can be half decent, but it cannot be both. That is a consequence of game design and people wanting different things too. Ah, this again. I happily refer to the forum for the discussion of what 'open' means, no need to repeat all this here.​Even this discussion shows, how different perception can be even on the most basic things. 'Cooperation' also means different things to different people and it is apparently impossible to make everyone happy.

We all work to do our best, to have fun and allow a healthy community to strive. Even discussions like those on the forum in the end hopefully further this goal. Quick update because you're still telling others how they should lead while having next to no insight on how to lead or play wvw on the forums.I get that this stuff makes you SAD, but the reality is that players like you FORCE players like me to kick you from squads, and to some extent even be toxic towards you.After all, politely asking falls on deaf ears and is simply met with continuing to do what you feel like.While I understand this probably wont make sense to you, it is the reality of the matter and the evolution of wvw across EU and NA. I also understand where you are coming from.

And I am still not forcing anyone to do anything. Just yesterday a fellow countryman kicked me from their squad, and I don't discuss this.

I don't leave TS. I don't stop following or support. I don't discuss or question the comms choice in the game, it's not my place, I feel it would possibly undermine the comm and it would add drama where it is unwarranted.

I don't discuss my build choice. I don't need to justify what I play, and why I play it.I am not forcing anyone to do anything, but it still makes me feel sad.​Ingame there was no toxicity, about this issue, and I know I shouldn't feel sad, but alas, I'm just as much only human as the comm who tried to make the optimal choice for their squad.​Was it necessary? We've been wiping the floor with red and blue zergs all around without even a bit of a challenge. And this makes it even more sad. I stand by what I said: This is not what GW2 stands for. So gw2 should only stand for players like you, who do whatever they wish? Then there cannot be higher levels of play.You say your group wipes the floor with the enemies, but still kicked you.

That only reaffirms my beliefs, you're on a strong server with a vastly different play style yet you tell them what gw2 stands for and how they should play. What server are you on?If you wanna play whatever you like, transfer to TC or piken. They wont give a damn about what you play.If you want changes, ask for changes to how wvw servers are formed or wvw balance from anet. These elitists regularly ask for better balance but are shot down. The people that dont adhere to a meta.

Yet they still expect to be treated amazingly. But expecting wvw players to play with whatever pugs feel like typically means you're restricted to low end ktrain or siegehumping. Tactical gameplay goes out the window entirely.If I let rangers and thieves play however they like, I'm just punishing the people who play support at their expense. I'll upset the adaptable players willing to do what the group needs, at the expense of selfish fairweather players. It doesn't work out.Snowflakes force us to be toxic towards them because simply saying sorry, this raid isn't for you if you arent willing or able to adapt isn't respected. So gw2 should only stand for players like you, who do whatever they wish?​Not at all.

Have you actually been reading my post? It does not matter what I do. The behavior of players is irrelevant.Now where might this expectation of playing what you want to play come from?Blahblahblah where is it, where. You dont seem to understand. Without enforcing strict rules organised squads cannot exist anymore in gw2.Picking a build you like is fine.

But the act of finding a group that wants you is on you. Joining any group you can and demanding they adapt to you, even when they ask you not to bring said class, is disrespectful.Because everyone expects to be treated as included, no matter what they do, this cannot exist while also performing.

And experience shows players like you do not enjoy repeatedly losing and dying, something you did point out in your post.Every mmo where performance matters has groups looking for players willing and able to fill certain specs or roles. If you dont fill the role you cant join. This isn't something new or crazy.You.have the right to play whatever you wish. The comms and groups that you demand to join dont have the right to play and lead how they wish, which might have higher standards than you? Yeah you're entitled.

Go find a squad that wants you. Highway rider extreme game on lagged. If you cant find any, the issue lies with you.

Stop blaming others.What server are you on?. I agree, but the game doesn't promote or inspire cooperation in wvw. Imagine only a few people could loot teq or only one person could gather resources every so often. It would have a huge impact on open world.The same is true for wvw. No common goal to cooperate that actually functions.

No server balance that functions. No coverage balance.

No class balance. No siege / ppt balance. All of it neglected.And what you think open means is irrelevant.

Open doesn't mean it's free to do whatever you please. Lfgs are also 'open' but can still have requirements. Simply how different people with different expectations find an appropriate group.I cant reasonably post my opinion on the forums, so I'll stick to occasionally reading the memes and stupidity that gets posted there. People did and still do that on purpose too.

They don't like the trolling or stupid questions so they would just mention how Blackgate needs to open and derail the thread so Gaile or someone would close it. I brought this to her attention and she didn't care. I made her aware a lot of people on the forums are passive aggressive and are trolling as much as they look like they really care. 'Please report anyone breaking the rules listed here for our team to review.' AKA don't backseat moderate.