Project Eden Empyrion

Alpha 12 information- A lot is changing with the game! Familiarize yourself with the they've posted. There is no concrete ETA on experimental yet but it may be later this month.- When Alpha 12 goes to the experimental branch I'll release a temporary test version of the scenario and update with a link here. This will be for temporary testing of the scenario and will be removed after a time.


If you want to help test during Alpha 12 experimental, just opt in to the experimental branch on Steam and subscribe to the test scenario once it's posted and start a new save game using the test scenario.- When Alpha 12 goes to the live branch, the test version of the scenario will be removed and this version will be updated to Alpha 12. At that time, you will need to make sure you opt out of the experimental branch and then start a new save game. Just remain subscribed to this copy of the scenario and start a new save game using it once its listed as being updated for Alpha 12.For more information, including detailed install directions and important info for dedicated servers, see the. Dedicated servers: - If using EAH, set the playfield structure limit in EAH under the PLAYFIELDS tab for EVERY playfield to at least 1,000. This is because EAH does not use the scenario's structure limit and instead defaults to 300 per playfield.Failure to correctly set this may result in planets or space POIs not spawning correctly.This is different from the general global structure limit.

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It must be set under the PLAYFIELDS tab for each and every playfield.- There might be a bug when manually setting the starting seed. It's best to set the seed you want, then select a different scenario, then reselect Project Eden to correctly apply the new seed.- Coop mode is still bugged. You'll have to run a private dedicated server to play multiplayer.- Ore deposits will sometimes not contain ore. Known game bug, but you'll encounter it more often on this scenario because of the way the ore deposits are set up.This scenario is designed for weight/volume, autominer depletion, and CPU (but optional and disabled by default).It may be more demanding on your hardware and takes a few minutes to load.

Features:A work-in-progress custom PDA with both default and new starting planet intros, missions, and Empyriopedia sections for frequently asked questions on the scenario. Access in-game with F1.Randomly generates several large solar systems using a carefully crafted random config to group planets, moons, and space playfields into the inner, middle, and outer solar system.Currently the multi solar system for random scenarios is a hard coded tech demo and generates between 2-6 solar systems. Number of planets generated can vary a lot depending on seed, but usually contains around 200 planets.Contains default and custom planets. 9 starting planet options (4 default, 5 custom) and many additional custom templates.Contains default and custom moons. Many moons are specialized as a good source of 1 or 2 types of resources, such as iron or cobalt rich barren moons.Space has received a complete overhaul with new wrecks, pirate outposts, hacking sites, asteroid fields, mining fleets, and special encounters. Music, skyboxes, and environmental conditions change depending on distance from the sun.Progression overhaul to slow down the mid and end game. Sathium/Neodymium, and Erestrum/Zascosium are no longer found on the same planets so you have to explore.

Ore deposits are smaller and more varied in their styles and some deposits will be a challenge and it's up to you how to tackle it.Almost all deposits use the SSOR style underground nuggets so they are depleted from auto miners (if depletion is enabled).Dozens of new traders have been added, including bulk traders who buy or sell large quantities of specific items but not always at the best price. Buy ore from Polaris mining fleets, deliver liquor from a Talon brewery to a Zirax trade station, or sell your hacking loot at a Project Eden research vessel.

The goal is to allow progression through playing the role of a trader.There are many new things to discover and beautiful places to see. Treasures hidden in the thick forests of jungle planets, buried alien ships, and unique capturable vessels are some of what you can find if you look hard enough. Exploration and salvaging is meant to be rewarding.From small wrecks to alien fortresses, custom asteroids and Talon temples, there are hundreds of new POI prefabs.

Many POIs are designs from the community and a list of credits can be found in the.Currently there are several faction POI sets, with about a half dozen major faction sets planned. Factions will have their own traits, weapons, traders, and NPCs. Once custom reputations are added, many of them will become their own faction, but for now they fall under the existing factions.There will be a loose, open ended optional story but the storyline elements are mostly not in yet.Please leave any suggestions or report any problems in the comments, and enjoy your visit to Eden!I have posted an updated tentative roadmap in the so you can all see what my plans are for Alpha 10.6 and beyond. @Lord Sapito it's set in the playfieldstatic.yaml or playfield.yaml files under where the resources are listed.If you look at an example, such as the default TemperateStarter playfield, you'll see the Promethium deposits have an additional 3 lines of code added to them:DistTypeCylinder:MaxRadius: 13YVariance: 10That tells the game it's a SSOR nugget deposit instead of a voxel one. Simply add that same code to your resource deposits on your playfield file.MaxRadius = how spread out the nuggets are horizontally.YVariance = how spread out the nuggets are vertically.

The story takes place in a fictional world, a combination of locations and buildings known from SEGA, Capcom and Bandai Namco games. Project x zone 2 game The characters we control and the NPCs we meet are also alive from other series.