Fallout 3 Map

The Most Complete Fallout 3 Map I looked around for a map of Fallout 3, but there's nothing really good out there.So I decide to make my own map of Fallout 3 using the pipboy. In another language; Watch this page Edit Gametitle-FO3.png. Below is an interactive map showing marked Fallout 3 locations and select unmarked ones.

Contents BackgroundFort Constantine is a military base built by the US Army in 2043. It was used to build and store nuclear bombs, and also the top secret power armor that was under development at the time.

In, hired 5 mercenaries —, and — to retrieve a rare weapon from the fort. It is unknown what weapon Tenpenny was after, but the mercs completed the mission goals and were paid. In the bunker, Tara was killed by a group of and Crowley was locked in the same room (from this we learn feral ghouls do not attack sentient ghouls which is how Crowley escaped).

Crowley supposedly found the in Fort Constantine, at which point he became obsessed with it. The unique, inside a stasis field. The stasis field must be deactivated using the terminal mounted on the console before the armor can be taken. Note: can't be accessed without the three special keys mentioned above. A, two and a skill book on a table right beside the T-51b power armor stasis field. Another mini nuke on a table just right around the corner after entering.


Another mini nuke on the desk in the room at the top of the bunker stairs, near the locked storage room. A skill book is behind a Very Hard locked door.

This door must be lockpicked. Another rake behind a Very Hard locked door.Related quests.Notes. Delivering the keys to Mr. Crowley and traveling to the fort within three days of doing so, he can be found in the basement extension of the bomb storage shelter wearing the T-51b armor and smoking.

Interacting with him will only give dialogue options as if he were in Underworld. He can still be killed and the armor taken, along with the keys and many other items without any loss. The stasis field will be deactivated and Tara's body will only be named 'raider.'

. The Armor R&D terminal which controls the stasis field reads 'Medical Armor Prototype' in its prompt, suggesting that the was originally meant to be the reward. The text on the door in the CO's basement shows up as red; however, opening it does not result in any loss of Karma.

The in the CO's quarters is tagged as owned, despite there being nobody living in the area. On the road just outside the main gate is an Outcast patrol spawn point. There is also a separate squad of three that are usually always present outside the fort, in addition to those that may appear from the spawn point. The static squad is on patrol west of the main gate past the spawn point. An Enclave camp is located to the east.

Completing quest will increase the amount of Enclave soldiers there. In the CO's quarters, in the living room, it seems two people were playing chess or checkers when one stabbed the other for unknown reasons.AppearancesFort Constantine appears only in.Behind the scenesThe launch codes found in Fort Constantine are '00000000,' a reference to the nuclear launch codes which were created in 1961 during the Cold War and weren't changed to legitimate codes until the year 1977.

Bugs. PC Playstation 3 Xbox 360 It is possible to find a bugged Enclave soldier in the vicinity of Fort Constantine, generally located between the fort and the Outcast shack.

This particular soldier appears and respawns well before the Enclave arrive in-game, regardless of whether is installed. verified. Xbox 360 Sometimes accessing the Pip-Boy inside Fort Constantine will trigger the bug where only half of the screen displays. This can be remedied by returning to the Capital Wasteland and equipping a different weapon.

verified. PC Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Sometimes the door cannot be opened with the keys which will cause Mister Crowley to run at the wall where the sentry bot is located. verified. Xbox 360 In some games, Crowley will not show after 3 days of waiting. The bomb storage door will be perma-locked, making it impossible to get every bobblehead.Gallery.

Contents BackgroundWhat is known as the Oasis was once just one of many mines scattered across the landscape of the. The extensive network of caves beneath it was used as an impromptu shelter by the inhabitants of a nearby mining town from the bombs. Main article:The Grove is a small part of Oasis that is surrounded on all sides by trees and cliffs. This area can only be accessed after the Lone Wanderer has taken part in the ritual.

It is entered via a wooden gate that comes from the pavilion after it has been unlocked. In the middle, the talking tree, uniting and, can be found.

To the southeast, a small radioactive pond can be found. If the Lone Wanderer dives in the pond, an Easy locked hidden underwater door can be seen, which leads to the damp cave.The CavesThe damp cave is a cave that connects the Grove with the sunken chambers. It is accessed via an Easy locked underwater door from a pond in the grove.

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Inside there is a small contaminated lake (5 rads/sec) with a few level-dependent. There are several junk items floating on the water of the small lake and on the bottom of the small lake. Several skeletons can be found underwater.Inhabitants.