Planeshift Innistrad Pdf

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Browse posts by category. If it makes you feel better, I've been running an Innistrad-based game for a couple months now. Here are my homebrew bloodline rules.Universal: Adv. On Str checks and saving throws, Silence on self at will, Disguise Self at will.Markhov Bloodline: Detect Thoughts at will.Falkenrath Bloodline: Gain spectral wings as a Bonus Action, granting flying speed equal to normal movement.Stromkirk Bloodline: May use Shapechanger to transform into mist as a Reaction.Voldaren Bloodline: May use Shapechanger to transform into a dire wolf or a rat. When using Shapechanger to transform into a beast, may immediately summon 2 dire wolves or 2 swarms of frenzied bats/rats (Swarm of Quippers profile). If the vampire does so, they adopt the profile of their chosen beast using a seperate HP pool. The summoned beasts disperse after an hour has passed.

The vampire may not use this ability again until the next dusk.

Innistrad Overview Gloom and GritOn the plane of Innistrad, horrors stalk the shadows and scratch at doors in the night. Humanity is beset on all sides: vampires thirst for human blood, werewolves live for the thrill of the hunt, the restless spirits of the dead haunt the living, and no corpse is safe from reanimation at the hands of cruel necromancers or cunning scientists. Only their grim determination – and their staunch faith in the protection of their patron archangel, Avacyn – has allowed humans to survive in this nightmarish realm.

Horrors of the NightThe people of Innistrad are surrounded by monsters. Almost without exception, anything that is not human, whether it’s a rat or an angel, is a potential enemy.

Even the traditional allies of humanity – from angels and gryffs to herons and hounds – are unreliable at best, as the madness that grips the angels seems to seep into every living thing. And at the same time, humanity’s age-old enemies grow ever more dangerous.The specific horrors that the people of Innistrad fear most are all reflections of humanity’s darker nature. Werewolves are a living embodiment of the secret rage and violence that hide in the human heart. Vampires are the bodily manifestation of carnal desire, hedonistic cravings, and bloodlust. Zombies and geists – the restless spirits of the dead – paint the eventual future of all people in the starkest terms, underlining the grim truths of human mortality. Demons are the unholy inversion of humanity’s spiritual longings – the shadow side of the angels’ brightness.Still, the most dreadful creatures of Innistrad lurk within human towns and cities, pursuing their twisted schemes and unholy desires in the heart of civilization.

These are the humans that have been consumed by Innistrad’s darkness. Sinister cultists give themselves over to demons and other dark forces.

Depraved necromancers raise the dead to do their bidding. Obsessive scholars pry into secrets best left hidden. Crazed scientists toy with forces of life and death in their effort to create artificial life or harness the energy that remains in the spirits of the dead.

And even among the common folk – on Innistrad as on every plane – some simply give in to selfish desires and violent rage, killing with knife and garrote rather than sorcery. Defenders of HumanityHumanity is not without protectors in this nightmare land, and the foremost of those have always been the angels.

Led by the glorious archangel Avacyn, the hosts of angels is few in number but has long stood with the people of Innistrad to face the horrors of the night.Except in rare cases where the angels directly involve themselves in combat with monsters, their power is mediated through the Church of Avacyn, which serves as both spiritual and temporal authority in the four provinces of Innistrad. The priests of the church perform ritual blessings on the faithful and their homes to ward off evil, and the church’s soldiers and inquisitors have long hunted vampires and werewolves that prey on the people in their charge.But that was before Avacyn went missing – then went mad.

Avacyn disappeared into the Helvault, a prison for demons, to trap a great foe within. A few months later, the Helvault burst to pieces during a great battle, and Avacyn returned.

All seemed well for a few weeks. Then, without warning, the searing fury of the archangel – usually reserved for the greatest foes of humanity – was turned on villages full of seemingly innocent people. Angels under Avacyn’s leadership impaled the innocent on their spears and scoured the earth with celestial fire. Convinced that the sins of humanity had brought down Avacyn’s wrath, the church took up the archangel’s cause and sought to purge all sin through inquisition and execution.With even the angels and the church turned against humanity, few were left to take up arms against Innistrad’s evils.

Here and there, renegade cathars disobeyed the mandate of the church and continued to hunt vampires and werewolves instead of punishing the innocent. But increasingly, the common folk – farmers with their pitchforks, smiths with their hammers, and retired soldiers taking battle-worn swords down from above the mantle – discovered new reserves of strength and resiliency to stand against the horrors of the darkness, even when those horrors were parish priests and holy knights.

People of Innistrad HumanityInnistrad’s population is mostly human, and player characters in an Innistrad campaign should be human in most circumstances. However, the humans of Kessig are different in many respects from those of Gavony, and Nephalia’s urban culture is very distinct from the shadow-draped land of Stensia. Diversity among player characters comes not from race, but from each character’s home province. Character ClassesCharacters of any class can be found in Innistrad, though some classes are rarer than others.

The organizations and character types noted below are described in more detail below. Artificer. Artificers are uncommon among the average people of Innistrad, as the horrors of everyday life leave little time for abstract tinkering. However, a necro-alchemist, skaberen, or other mad scientist would work well as an artificer. Barbarian. Barbarians are not a common sight in Innistrad. Some cathars draw on the power of divine fury.

The remotest regions of the Somberwald, the Ulvenwald, and the Geier Reach might also be home to more traditional barbarians. Bard. Bards are also rare on Innistrad. A springsage – an Avacynian archmage dedicated to healing and renewal – could conceivably be a bard.

Cleric. Clerics populate the ranks of the church hierarchy and many cathar orders. Druid. Druids can be found as springsages or as the “witches” known as forcemages, who make pacts with nature spirits. Fighter.

Fighters fill all the usual roles on Innistrad, as soldiers, cathars, militia captains, town guards, and so on. Monk. Monks are rare. A monk is probably a member of the church hierarchy, and in fact is most likely to be a monk in the church’s definition – a wandering priest.

Paladin. Paladins fill many of the cathar orders. As the angels’ madness and Emrakul’s rise change the face of Innistrad, the Order of Saint Traft becomes the home of many “heretic” cathars who choose to follow their own conscience rather than the increasingly insane dictates of the church. Ranger. Rangers are particularly common in Kessig, where they operate as hunters, trappers, or guides in the Ulvenwald, or as cathar members of the Quiver of Kessig. Rogue. Rogues are most common in Thraben and the cities of Nephalia, engaging in smuggling, thievery, corpse trading, and other unsavory lines of work.

Sorcerer. Sorcerers are rare. A spearsage (one of the archmages of Goldnight) could be a sorcerer, especially if you use the archetype. A sorcerer might also be a necro-alchemist or a cultist of some sort. Warlock.

Warlocks are found primarily in cults of madness (with a Great Old One as patron), demon cults such as the Skirsdag, or witches’ covens. A warlock who belongs to the Skirsdag might be a respected member of the church hierarchy, feigning the blessings of Avacynian clergy. Wizard. Wizards are often Avacynian archmages, but can also take up more sinister vocations – ghoulcallers, skaberen, necro-alchemists, mad scientists, and cultists.

LanguagesInnistrad is not a world with a variety of languages, unlike most D&D settings. The people who inhabit the world all speak the same tongue, and the most common monsters – including vampires, werewolves, and geists – speak it as well, since they were once human.Ordinarily, all humans learn an additional language, and many backgrounds give access to languages as well – so the easiest way to deal with these extra languages is to ignore them. Humans speak only Common. If a background gives access to a language, the character can choose a tool proficiency instead.Alternatively, you can diversify the languages of Innistrad.

Perhaps the Common tongue is the language of the church, used to facilitate communication among people in different provinces, even as each province has its own language or dialect. Characters might also be able to learn Demonic (spoken by demons and devils), Draconic (spoken by gargoyles and similar beasts), or Primordial (spoken by elementals). The Church of Avacyn The FaithThe Avacynian faith is a complex system of beliefs and magical practices intended to protect the humans of Innistrad from the predations of the plane’s monsters. Over the centuries, layers of belief and ritual have accreted to this basic core, but as long as Avacyn remained present and sane in the world, the wards of the church remained strong, preventing the utter extinction of the human race.Player characters in an Innistrad campaign are likely to be associated with the Church of Avacyn in some capacity.

Clerics, druids, fighters, paladins, rangers, and wizards might serve as cathars, inquisitors, or archmages within the broad organization of the church. Theological UnderpinningsFaith in the church of Avacyn actually works, but there are no formulas that are consistently successful. Saying the mystical words in the right combination will result in protective magic, but some days it works better than others. And sometimes the evil it's warding against is more powerful than other times. The unreliability of the wards and blessings has led to disagreements over dogma.

Although there is still only one church, sects have emerged over disagreements about the right way to do things. The goal of the church is safety, not perfection.

Humans want to live in reasonable safety until they die, and then they want to remain peacefully in their graves. Cremation is forbidden because it is believed to result in a restless, angry spirit.In the Church of Avacyn, there is no conception of heaven and hell. The humans of Innistrad do not believe in a heavenly afterlife to reward their past deeds.

And their equivalent of hell is a very literal thing: there are actual cracks in the ground where demons dwell. Avacyn is not expected to eliminate evil in the world or to create a perfect life for everyone. Instead, she is the font of safety and protection. She is the authority to whom the faithful must go before something bad happens, to help ward off those evils that have always been a part of the world. Church and StateIn Innistrad, church and state are deeply interdependent; there is virtually no separation of the two. Local governments rely on the power of the Church to keep order and maintain public safety. Often the rule of law is adjudicated by the prelature, lawyers and judges ordained by the Church.

All education is handled by the Church, although different sects sometimes establish their own schools and training grounds. Except for merchants and artisans, all professions are part of the Church. Even merchants and artisans are governed by fellowships, which must be sanctioned by the Church. Church HierarchyThe church is headed by the Lunarch Council.

Consisting of bishops and cathars of the highest ranks, the council continues to struggle to come to terms with the madness of Avacyn and her angels. The current head Lunarch is a man named Mikaeus Cecani, who has been desperately searching for the cause of Avacyn's madness.Below the Lunarchs come bishops, the leaders of the spiritual and temporal affairs of the church. Elders govern the parishes that make up each province, combining the administrative responsibilities of a mayor with the religious authority of a minor bishop. Priests attend to the needs of the people at parish churches, village chapels, and crossway altars. All priests have the ability to perform magic, though some are more powerful than others.

Most of them focus on the protective blessings that make up the rituals of the church.Monks are wandering priests, not connected to a specific location. Some feel called to minister to those isolated people living beyond the reach of a parish priest, but others take up the life of a monk because they disagree with their superiors in the hierarchy. Some are wild-eyed fanatics or heretical teachers, but many are quiet, peaceful souls with firm convictions that set them apart from the church.A player character cleric is probably referred to as a monk in the church hierarchy, having the freedom to move around with no responsibility to any congregation. The acolyte background is ideal for such a character. A cleric’s choice of domain might reflect a connection to one of the archangels subservient to Avacyn. The Knowledge domain is particularly associated with Bruna and Flight Alabaster, the Life domain is strongly connected to Sigarda and the Host of Herons, and the War domain is tied to Gisela and Flight Goldnight.

CatharsCathars are the soldiers of the Avacynian church, but “soldiers” is a broad term encompassing everything from crime-solving investigators to mounted paladins. Some cathar orders are so independent as to be virtually separate sects of the church, while others are tightly bound to the hierarchy of the faith. Cathar characters might be clerics (especially moor chaplains), fighters or paladins (especially Gavony Riders, mausoleum guards, midnight duelists, or parish-blades), or rangers (in the Quiver of Kessig). The soldier background works well for cathars. The elite cavalry of Innistrad, the Gavony Riders, are extensively trained in mounted combat with swords and lances. The mausoleum guards are the rank-and-file soldiers of the cathars, wielding little magic but making up for it with their numbers.

Midnight duelists patrol the streets, particularly at night, on the lookout for thieves, vampires, and corpse traders. Moor chaplains are battlefield faithful who wield magic and weapons with equal skill. Their magic focuses on healing and protection, so they don’t usually fight on the front lines.

Cathars of the parish-blades serve as escorts along the crossways and protect the cathedral in Thraben. They are an elite military force that assembles at the bishops’ command. The Quiver of Kessig is an order recently split off from the parish-blades. Its members specialize in archery and long-range defense, and often guard town walls and church roofs against spirits, vampires, specters, demons, and other flying attackers. Blessed weapons are an important part of Avacynian magic, and the clergy called Lunar-Smiths are trained in the art of weapon-making. Certain blessings must be said at certain times during the forging process to make a weapon magically effective against a particular foe.

Silversmiths are particularly revered because of the difficulty in imbuing the silver with strong magic, especially anti-lycanthropic magic. Runechanters are a specialized branch of the clergy that specializes in engraving blessings on material objects, including weapons. Everything from swords to axes to children's toys has words written on it in an effort to protect its owner. The best runechanters can write so small that hundreds of these blessings can be squeezed into a small space.

Avacynian ArchmagesThe Avacynian archmages are gifted spellcasters with the inborn ability to channel some of the divine power of the archangels. Each lineage of the archmages practices unique techniques passed down from master to student for generations, ultimately tracing back to the archangels and Avacyn herself. Spearsages, the archmages of Goldnight, use powerful and aggressive spells associated with the sun, channeling blinding rays of holy light and powerful prayers to bolster their allies’ speed and courage. Moonsages, the archmages of Alabaster, are concerned with preserving the Blessed Sleep, preventing humans from returning as zombies.

They use preventative and warding spells, banishing the undead to the void and making sure graves remain sealed. Springsages, the archmages of Herons, are healers who use their magic to aid individuals, whole villages, and even the land itself. They act much like wandering priests or monks, traveling the remote reaches to minister to the people and heal the sick.Avacynian archmages might be clerics, wizards, or (in the case of the springsages) druids. The sorcerer could also work for an archmage, and the sage background is ideal for such characters.

Background: InquisitorHistorically, inquisitors were cathar detectives who investigated crimes both mundane and supernatural. They were known for traveling to remote parishes plagued by unexplained murders, and for exposing werewolves living among normal humans. During Avacyn’s absence, when the archangel was trapped within the demonic prison known as the Helvault, the inquisitors led a series of brutal forays into Kessig and the Gavony Moorland. They executed suspected lycanthropes with little or no proof, and punished accused heretics in unsanctioned trials.

With Avacyn’s madness, this savage form of inquisition has become the norm, and inquisitors who still pry into dark mysteries have become a minority.Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, ReligionTool Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools, one set of artisan’s tools of your choiceEquipment: A holy symbol, a set of traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gpFeature: Legal Authority. As an inquisitor of the church, you have the authority to arrest criminals. In the absence of other authorities, you are authorized to pass judgment and even carry out sentencing. If you abuse this power, however, your superiors in the church might strip it from you.Suggested Characteristics. Inquisitors are often driven by zeal, plagued with suspicion, and haunted by self-doubt.

They are all too susceptible to human failings, and their judgment is not always divinely inspired. D8Personality Trait1It will all go smoothly if everyone just does as I say.2Despair is an extravagance we can ill afford.3I know the writings of Saint Raban backward and forward.4I try to see the bright side in the very worst situations.5It helps me feel better when others show sympathy or appreciation for the horrors I’ve endured.6I prefer to face evil with a strong group of friends in front of me.7I want to see the wicked burn for the evil they’ve brought on us.8I feel the sin being purged from me as I help cleanse the world.d6Ideal1Honesty. The smallest deception paves the way to grievous sin. Devotion to the angels and the rites of the church is all that keeps the world from destruction. The laws of Avacyn are meant to preserve the social order – everything in its proper place.

Human life is to be cherished and preserved against the horrors of the night. The path to holiness comes through understanding of the world.

It is better for the innocent to suffer than for the guilty to escape their due. (Evil)d6Bond1Thraben is the heart of the world.

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