Master Of Orion 2 Cheats

Playing MOO since 1993 Playing MOO Conquer the Stars on GOG Galaxy 4x space game CV: Master of Orion, Master of Orion II, Master of Orion III, Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain, Reach for the Stars, Imperium Galactica, Imperium Galactica II, Armada 2526, Distant Worlds, Star Ruler I and II, Endless Space, Horizon, Stardrive, Stradrive II, Sword of the Stars, Sword of the Stars II, Galactic.

  • Defeat Guardian of Orion

Here is a really simple and very lo-tech method of defeating the Guardian of Orion:
1- Design a ship with very little defence and lots of offence. The weapon in the first weapon slot must be able to bring down shields quickly, I usually use Heavy Graviton Beams. The second weapon must be Ion Cannons (Heavy mount if you still don't have version 1.31). Add as many of these as possible (focus more on Graviton beams)
2- Build as many of these as time and resources allow.
3- Go to Orion and kick some butt. Fire all your graviton beams first then use Ion pulse to disable the Guardian, the ideal end result is that you destroy it on your first turn.
  • Defeating any Repulsive race

If you have a run-in with any repulsive race early on in the game (especially the Silicoid), defeat them as fast as possible, otherwise their fleet will be too much for you. It helps to customize your race with the following: Cybernetic (to repair your ships during combat, like the Meklar; it hurts early in the game by taking 1 production and 1 food for every 2 colonists (rounded up) instead of 1 food/colonist, but is convenient and saves you from having to add the 'Automated Repair Unit' special to your ships), Telepathic (this serves a 4-fold purpose:
1) it prevents other Telepathic races (i.e. the Elarian, and other races who customize themselves as telepathic when on Hard or Impossible mode) from taking your colonies over without Troop Ships.
2) it adds to your Spying bonuses (+15 to defensive i believe)
3) it allows you to Mind Control your opponents' planets so their colonists are immediately assimilated and you don't have to worry about building/buying an Alien Control Center.Master
4) it allows you INSTANTANEOUS control of any ship you capture from an enemy (although if they capture it back and you take it back again, you lose control of the ship for that combat).
If you cannot defeat their fleet, go directly for the kill *IF* you can; take over the planets so you have a jump-off point in case another fleet arrives and decides to blow out it's own race on that planet. Once you take out enough planets, the main fleet will deminish in size due to not enough resouces to command them.
Also another way to easily defeat your opponents is to have a colony at a wormhole. if your opponent has a colony at the other end of the wormhole AND cannot reach you at any other colony, you are safe from attack until your opponent acquires fuel cells that can reach you. For some reason, your opponents will not use the wormholes to their advantage, unless they are already sitting on a colony with a wormhole and have access to one of your colonies which is the only one they can reach (which is usually one you just took over). Submitted by Lavim
  • Defeating the Guardian

The quickest way to defeat the Guardian at Orion is to have the Plasma Cannon. Refit or build either Battleships or Titans with nothing but Battle Pods, Damper Field (if you've already had run-ins with the Antarans), Reinforced Hull (Achilles Targeting Unit ignores armor), and as many Heavy Plasma Cannons that can fit (8 to 12 is possible if you've acquired Megafluxers). 3 or 4 ships is all that is needed; Guardian will have a 'warp core breach' (large, blue explosion) on the second or third ship. Keep doing this until you have the desired Tech. Don't forget to save a space in your Ship Leaders for Loknar, as he has excellent stats (Ship Officer Dalan has the same stats, but without the Galactic Lore)
The Ideal tech to get off of Orion is the Black Hole Generator, Reflection Field, and the Spatial Compressor (the first 2 because you can only get them off of the Antaran Titans, and the third you can get off the cruisers), and the Death Ray (which you get all the time from Orion anyway, but can only be gained off the Antaran Battleship or Titan, not before) Submitted by Lavim
  • Specialty Codes

Money(1000bcs)-hold Alt and type on the keyboard -moola
All Tech-hold Alt and type- einstein
See All Planets and Enemies-hold Alt and type- iseeall
All Races Attack You-first go to the Race Selection Screen, hold Alt and type- canonboly1. Submitted by Chris V.
  • Get exclusive Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens

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Originally posted by Rhaegar:Does Moo2 work on Windows XP?This thread gave me the Moo2 itch.After being PC-less for over a year I got a new laptop running XP Home and the 2nd thing I installed was MoO2. I just spent most of the afternoon playing it. View image here: -The widescreen though made it look a little distorted.elerian chckDoes this widescreen make me look fat?elerian chick- View image here. Originally posted by radiodog:It was frustrating in a fun sort of way too. It made sure you worked with what you got instead of depending on a tech or two to win the game at certain points.

It also made getting tech from other races more meaningful.Exactly. That's why uncreative is the way to play MOO2.Like in my current game, my tech tree randomizes into a configuration where I couldn't research any of the fuel cell techs. And because of my repulsiveness, I couldn't trade nor demand tech from other races.What's frustrating (or funny in a sort of way) is I'm current at war with my chief nemesis the Klackons, but because of my lack of my fuel cell technology, none of my ships could reach any of their colonies. Thankfully, the Klackons, being uncreative as well, didn't get fuel cell tech either. So we're at a weird stalemate where we're at war for decades but our ships haven't even seen each other.Right now, my only way out is to pour massive efforts into stealing tech from 1 of the other races.

Hopefully I don't piss them off too much as they're much more powerful than me.And btw. Damn all these MOO2 threads for tempting me to start a new game - View image here. Originally posted by Demento:MOO2's AI is so woeful that it cheats on everything but the easiest level. Turn on all the cheats, you'll see it spitting out colony ships in an impossible amount of time, even on medium difficultly. It's been a while, but I remember the manual saying that the AI is penalized below average difficulty, is the same as you on average difficulty, and cheats above average difficulty.In most ways, this is true; however for certain things like colony ships, the AI still cheats on lower levels. Cabal 2 characters.

IIRC the patch fixed some of the AI cheating. I believe it was near impossible to beat the game on the harder difficulty levels, but the patch toned it down a bit. The patch also gave the AI some additional responses, like noticing a heavy military buildup around planets near their systems.Not to change the subject, but the AI in Galactic Civilizations has always impressed me.

The AI will never cheat - it only uses what the game rules alow all players to use. Setting the difficulty level changes the number of calculations the AI takes per turn to decide what to do, and what factors they can use. I started attacking an enemy race that I was overpowering, so immidiately they started churning out ships - but they're not cheating.

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When I conquered some of their planets, I found that they had stripped them of value to pay for ships. The AI will never cheat - it only uses what the game rules alow all players to use.

Setting the difficulty level changes the number of calculations the AI takes per turn to decide what to do, and what factors they can use. Hmm, well apparently I can throw down as the Psilons in Tutorial, which isn't saying much. The game got a lot less frustrating once I figured out how handy Outposts are. Time to go back and play on a higher difficulty level (wiping out the other three races with three Titans wasn't as amusing as I'd imagined).For those of you who are playing it in XP.

Do you have sound? I am soundless. I did run the 'setsound' program, and it always detects whatever I select (be it the General MIDI or SB-compatible) but there's never any sound.I'm using my onboard sound on a Shuttle SN41G2, so it's not as if there's an option for that in there. The SB or 'general' option usually works for me, but no love here.