Inotia 4 Assassin Build

How to Play Inotia 4. Inotia 4 is a stunning game created for iOS and Android devices. The Inotia saga gathered a lot of avid players since their first,release and now they have brought the game to the next level. With improved graphics.

The Inotia saga continues with Inotia 4, a mobile RPG action games that has you leading a party of heroes into the face of powerful forces. It’s got a lot of depth for a mobile adventure and paired with a free price tag there are few games like Inotia.Story wise the game is typical of the genre with a young gifted assassin of the Shadow Tribe who of course also has a love interest close to the storyline. There is also magic, hidden mysteries, unknown history and a number of warring factions that constantly pop up during the adventure. It’s fairly typical of a KRPG experience with a weaker storyline that pushes your focus towards developing your team, strategy and grinding instead.Gameplay is similarly quite standard with an interface and d-pad control scheme most players will be familiar with.

All the information fits quite well on the the screens of smaller devices but does borderline overcrowded in some of the game locations where it is harder to see where you are going.The real attraction to Inotia 4 lies within the strong party system where you’ll strive to create the ideal party. This mechanic works by allowing the player to be joined by two fighters at any time with up to 6 in reserve. Inotia has the unique feature of keeping your party members at comparable levels which means your early game decisions won’t pigeon hole players into particularly party members. Just like the hero these party members have unique skills, stats and 10 item slots which makes the game very much about the item hunt for perfect party items. The loot system also strikes a fine balance between randomness and rewards with plenty of good items coming out of random encounters but more so from boss battles.With so much customisation and choices combining with solid mobile mechanics Inotia 4 is a strong pick with few shortcomings for a game in the KRPG genre.Summary:.

Build your party from countless heroes and items. Keep characters in reserve which stay even in level with your other hires. Many bosses, locations and maps to fill the game world.

Plays like a traditional KPRG. Free for iOS and AndroidLinks.

Pure DEX – Add all of your points into DEX. The more powerful, high DPS build of the two. It also has more evasion. You get more skill points as your disposal as well, because you don’t have to spend any on the INT passive skills.Pure INT – Add all of your points into INT. The point of this build is to have a huge amount of SP, while still having very decent attack and evasion. There are two passive skills geared exactly to this build.

All in all, a large part of this build is the ability to just use your supercharge attack like Rambo. With all of your SP, you can hold your unlimited-bullet-spam for a long, long time.

If you’re ready for the uphill journey of a Ranger, here’s a level 1-50 guide for your skills. In the early stages of the game, you may be very low on money, so avoid quests that ask you to buy expensive potions (like the woman who needs you to buy a potion from the dark merchant for 2000 gold). You can always come back. Use your TK (little mechanical robot-tank thing) to not only help divert attention, but to also block projectile attacks. Each hit can be deadly, so this thing can be very useful. Your TK can also gather your enemies up as you charge up your super attack for some pretty awesome damage.

Also remember to have your SP quenched – it takes up a lot of it. The first few bosses in Zenonia 4 can be pretty difficult, because they can kill you in a hit or two.

Beat them by having a nonstop stream of TK’s attacking them. Useful, eh?. Look for as many 1v1 encounters as possible, as opposed to fighting more than a mob at a time. Your ranger may be weak in the beginning, but with your regular attack’s knockback, you’re all-powerful verses single opponents. Save often. You’re probably going to die a lot, and shut off Zenonia 4 from your multi-task dashboard after you do. Then, you won’t have to waste an Origin of Life or get penalized.

I used the ranger as my very first class in Zenonia 4, and I wanted to ask, is Extreme Kill ( Level 5 ) and Charge Shot ( Level 5 ) a good combo? Should I add anything? Exclude anything?I use these as my main combo because it's effective ( For me, at least. ) for grinding and killing bosses. I'm now level 25, finished fighting the boss, Leonard.

And the Extreme Kill and Charge Shot combo worked well for me. I just needed to use a Mana Potion (M) each time I did it. Only use like, 6 or so Medium Mana Potions.So, again, my question is, is my Extreme Kill and Charge Shot Combo any good?. Im a lvl 69 pure int based ranger now, i practically don't need to use the tk thingy. A simple way to beat bosses: Spam your skills, especially sacrifice. It does massive damage.

Ive tried by upping at least one level of every active skill and its quite good. Try hunting for items in pvp mode. You can win byspamming your thunderstrike skill. Pvp items are much more better than any other items so try use the thunderstrike skill. Bosses, well you just need to run around and spam skills( for pure int).

I recommend everyone to go pvp and hunt items. I don't really understand why you guys/gals think the bosses are so hard(except lv 50 and final boss). You just need to run around let the boss almost hit you then just hit them with some skill or just use the tk thingy to distract the boss. You can beat the boss at about 1 or 2 level less than the boss or if ur good less than that. And a easy way to get money is that you don't need to get anything from the shop except maybe potions. Cause the monsters are gonna drop stuff for you anyway and you can also sell the stuff they drop. Hey for anyone trying to defeat proneus my advice is to bring a lot of magic pots.

And health pots. This is for rangers. Obv he can pull you.

What you do is summon tk and go opposite or to the side of wherever he starts attacking. Then dash away. Summon another tk. Then and this is if you followed this guide or have 3 skills locked up. Use concentrated shot, lightning bolt, and extreme kill. Not in any order but using concentrated shot also gives you time to heal yourself.

Then keep doing that and restoring sp with magic pots and you'll win. @Josh level cap in normal mod is 60 (although i thought i was higher?!) in hard mode is 90.@Zenonius Leviathian is pretty hard in normal mode. I needed more than 20 runes I guess. In general I do the following when fighting against him:I stay always very far for him to avoid his ring of fire and always running to avoid his 3 fire balls.If my special attacks are available (ult (each second run as longer cooldown), lighting, concentrated shot and extrem kill), I wait until there is no ring of fire and he just shot out his three fire balls. Then I get close to him and fire all skills out. If you do this without a break between he can activate he his next skills. Afterwards I dash away and run around and wait for cooldown.

If he has already his summon portal I do this close to the portal as all special abilities are AoE Skills. He maybe heals between but you get him down, anyway you need some luck that he don't do double are triple cirle of fires all over the area and some critical hits help of course.A general tip if this doesn't help (also for the last boss Shaturu):Try to finish the guardian set first. You get all scrolls from item dealer in heavenly camp. You need for all items an S otherwise the set bonus is not activated. You maybe need some combine tries for it (had 5 armors until i got the S), but the set helps a lot. Although look for hacked team partner in Den of trials and let yourself level up a little bit.I tried Shaturu first with lvl 55 and crap items without a chance.

Second try was around 60 and set items need less than 5 minutes for him.For hard mode is the same. Get Officer Set before fighting against Shaturu all scrolls can be found in before dark realm and in castle (there is thread with all locations for set items in gamevil forum).In general thank you for the guide. Has played this game last week, after finishing 1-3.

Zenonia 4 is much harder than the games before. The ranger (went pure dex) is even more harder als he can easily one or two hitted by Bosses or sometimes normal creeps.

First of all, because every platforming section is carefully made to be challenging (even frustrating at times) but never in an unfair way (that is, the mechanics are consistent, nothing catches you by surprise, and trial-and-error is kept to a minimum). That, for some reason, gives us an awesome perspective of just how huge an endeavor is ahead of our little square friend, making us all the more satisfied when we finally finish climbing that gargantuan tower.Other than the gameplay, there's also the song that plays throughout the game, and it is pretty awesome. Big tower tiny square cool math. Pretty nice game in general!The mechanics are pretty basic modern platformer mechanics, with regular jumps, wall jumps, and a series of different obstacles, but the game utilizes them pretty well. It kept me pumped from beginning to end, being appropriately epic while still evoking a bit of a Christmas spirit with the typical bells. A few parts are really, really unforgiving, but never unfair.Another very interesting thing is how we can see a lot of the playing field at once, by virtue of the tiny sprite.

The beginning is extrem hard. He starts slowly with level 20 and get better after ult.His shining phase is hard and hell mode. Hard mode is much easier than normal mode with ranger. As 4 AoE Skills and Ton of damage let you easily go through areas and also bosses.I maxed out concentrated shot first. Than Lightning (you can hit more enemies with higher lvl (starts with 2 end with 4)). Than extreme kill and last the buff which increases att and range. This buff can be combined with your abilities giving you the chance to take down normal creeps even in hell mode with your abilities.I'm now lvl 92 and finished hard mode (without using zen or find good items at abyss).

Run a little bit in hell mode but I think I'm done for now.A last tip for morpheus (think he was it). After the fight starts dash down out of his/your sight. Then go slowly up until you start to see him at screen boarder. Activate lighting and go down again out of sight.

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He will not attack you when he don't see you. After cooldown from lighting is over repeat it. So you can beat him without being hit. For seeing his life bar a robot set somewhere maybe also help. Unfortunately this doesn't work with levathian.So thank you again and good luck to all other players. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam.

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