Haunting Ground Fiona Gif

Fiona Belli Haunting Ground. Aureolus Fiona Belli is the protagonist of Haunting Ground. Fiona's parents arekilled in a car.

NOTE: Please do not write disturbing things on the wiki Fiona Belli (フィオナ・ベッリFiona berri) is the. Feb 28, 2015. This video is (almost) all the death animations for Fiona Belli in HauntingGround while wearing her 'Cowgirl' costume. You may notice that the clips switchbetween normal and hard mode, but I also played in hard mode because I find iteasier for them to kill you with their power attacks.

Commanding Hewie is an integral part of Haunting Ground's gameplay. At the beginning of the game, he won't be completely friendly and obey all of Fiona's. This is a little edit using the Generic Female Thief spritesheet from Ran Master 27 as a base. It's (Or it's supposed to be) Fiona Belli from Haunting Ground, and it's my first attempt at sprite editing, so i apologize if it's too crappy. Edited cause the image was too big, also ': x' makes for 'mad'?

I only needed. Haunting Ground, known in Japan as Demento, is a survival horror video gamedeveloped and published by Capcom for the PlayStation 2 in 2005. The storyfollows Fiona Belli, a young woman who wakes up in the dungeon of a castleafter being involved in a car accident. She quickly befriends a White Shepherd,Hewie,. A page for describing Characters: Haunting Ground.

Protagonists Fiona Belli The18-year-old protagonist. Fiona was on her way home from college with her. Dec 24, 2017. Steam Workshop: Garry's Mod. This is Fiona Belli, the protagonist of one of myfavourite survival horror games for PS2, Haunting Ground.

This addon includes: -Ragdoll - Jigglebones! - Playermodel - Finger posing -. Horror Fiona Belli is an 18 year old college student on her way home with herparents for a bit of rest. The car suddenly loses control and crashes, killingFiona's parents and sending her into a.

See full summary ». She swallows, gaze drifting to the ceiling behind me. I clasp her hands to regainher attention. 'So come with me.

Haunting Ground Fiona Gif

We can leave together'. Debilitas can be saved,but what about Daniella? An AU where Haunting Ground definitely has a happyE ending. Language: English; Words: 32,562; Chapters: 11/?; Comments: 6. Having escaped the nightmare of Belli Castle Fiona was able to finally move onwith her life, but what will happen when her daughter gets dragged into her oldnightmare?

This is a FanFiction for the game Haunting Ground, It's based off ofthe 'C' Ending: Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace). Suburbia play. Horror/Mystery/Possible. #haunting ground#demento#fiona belli#hewie#gamingedit#video games#mine#.gaming#dogs#just in case people need that tagged ^^#.500 1,742 notes capshun #Haunting Ground#Demento#Fiona Belli#cgifs 1,249 notes bloodlessanimal #Haunting Ground#Rule of Rose#my gif#my edit#Fiona Belli#Jennifer.