Infinity Blade 3 Glitches

Infinity blade 3 glitches pc

Cat cute pictures. Infinity Blade 3 issues Help Hello, I recently purchased IB3 after playing 1 and 2 to death and have encountered a disconcerting amount of technical issues. For reference I'm using an iPhone 5 with the latest iOS firmware. Parries/dodges etc seem to be a little off, causing me to get hit in battles. Battle Chips is a form of currency like gold and is earned by completing goals and battle challenges (only possible when you have unlocked Siris's Battle.

There’s a glitch I’ve noticed thats most common when fighting the 3rd and 4th enemies at “the forgotten”, but seems to occur everywhere. Sometimes, they don’t attack and just play the idle animation. You can’t attack or scratch them as they block everything and at the end of the animation, the game freezes (But you can still usually access the pause menu)How to avoid it:The tedious way that makes the fight easy: Keep attacking. The enemy will keep blocking and never finish their animation. When possible, use magic and supers. Unfortunatly, this takes a while.The fast way that fixes the glitch: Restart the battle.

It’s that easy. However, this seems to cause some lag and it doesn’t always work.This glitch could be terrible against the collector, deathless mode enemies and arena enemies because while it makes the fight easy, you can’t restart the fight and restarting the app causes you to lose the fight or (In arena) be taken to round 0 where (in Aegis difficulty) you fight level 100 enemies. After round 0 is another round 0.

So you can lose arena rewards, lose a weapon, lose a set of gear (2 on deathless quest 11. Because you use both Siris and Isa) or spend ages trying to kill some potentially very powerful enemies using only magic and (with gems or potions) a few supers. Crazy games.