Fortresscraft Evolved Storage

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Feb 10, 2020

This guide describes how a mass storage system can be used to maintain a continuous stockpile. This is particularly useful in the case of fuel (HCEF), where empty canisters must be filled, consumed, and refilled, in a non-stop loop.

Non-Stop Fuel Loop Guide


The cost of a canister is trivial if you have an Iron vein in the millions. Because of this, many people choose to simply macerate empty canisters and this solves the problem of a refill loop. But some people enjoy figuring out the challenge of refilling spent canisters. The 'holy grail' of this system is devising how you will incorporate the missile production into the loop. The issue with missiles is, the missile line doesn't return any empties, fuel is constantly leaving the system, and a loop eventually runs out of fuel without new cans entering. But, how do you maintain a flow of new cans at the same rate that fuel is consumed? If you add to many cans, then the fuel will stop once it fills with empties. The trick is to use a mass storage system as a line buffer.

Loop Input

The mass storage will have three points of entry, which all canisters use to enter the fuel line. They are the FALCOR input, the belt input, and the new input.
The FALCOR input accepts delivery of canisters from random places. The purpose of using FALCORs to deliver/return fuel is to make the fuel line shorter. For example, a hive mind farm 100m from the base would need at least that many conveyors to get fuel out to this location. There's just no need to have that much fuel sitting around. So the FALCOR could fill up a Logistic Hopper with just enough fuel to keep everything running.
Manufacturing + OET (Orbital Energy Transmitter)
The second canister inputs are belts which loop through a manufacturing floor, and an OET charge. For information about keeping your power separate from your manufacturing.
New Crafting
The third input is a brand new canister that is crafted from the pipe fitter. On this line, the stocking ports can be limited to a max capacity, like 300 max and the mass storage would have a capacity of 1000. Stocking Port limits prevent new canisters from filling up the mass storage system. The mass storage will always have 700 free space.
Maintaining this continuous balance though machinery, means you can hook up a missile system, which only consumes fuel, into the same machinery that supplies the loop with fuel. When the threshold on the stocking port drops below the limit, new canisters enter the system.

Loop Output

Empty Canisters
Empty canisters exit the mass storage system from the left, and go around to the opposite side of the Refinery Reactor Vat.
The fuel is being split three ways. The manufacturing line will contain a split further down to service missile production. Those canisters will not return to the loop, and it's the reason we have a new canister maker, so we can maintain the limit set at stocking ports. The OET line will be consumed and returned at a high rate of flow.
The distribution of fuel by beacon is one of the neatest things about this game. Drones deliver items into hard to reach locations. This simple distribution array makes sure there is always a free beacon for a FALCOR unit to travel to.


This technique is a simple and effective method to regulate flow in systems. While there anything else in this game where flow needs to be carefully maintained, I hear that the next version of this game will need it.
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After 9 months of hard work, it appears that my baby is but 1 week away from being born. This metaphor breaks down, cuz this is the patch before the birth.Anyways.Patch 9 has seen a hell of a focus on 'new players'; only 868 players have ever finished the game, meaning that the potential audience for next weeks' expansion pack (more on that later) is pretty small. I've worked out, more or less, that we're gonna want to ship 25,000 units of the Frozen Factory Expansion Pack for it to have been worth doing.Skin pack sales never hurt either. Ahem.But I digress - again. This is the 9th free content patch for the game, with the ever-so-topical name; Winter is coming.The biggest change you'll notice upon patch your game is the new Mission System. This has take a large amount of my time, and is built upon ARTHER's existing base introspection system, and should be able to tell you not only what is wrong with your base right now, but also let you know what it feels you should do next. Using this tool, I realised that quite a lot of early progression didn't make sense, so things like Basic Smelters are now available to players in the first 15-30 minutes of the game!Modding has received another massive update.

Remember to check the Mod forums! Patch 10 should see the Workshop going live, and I'll be working with Mod authors over this patch cycle to help them get their mods ready for that release - it's gonna be awesome!Patch notes are shorter than usual, I know - there's been a LOT of focus on polishing what we have, rather than adding too much new stuff. Yes, I will be linking this sentence to the next person who accuses me of doing on the forums.:P.

Major new changes. Walking on Reinforced blocks is now much much faster!. Added new Mass Storage system. Makes your existing Mass Storage at least 5x faster (WHEN coupled with a sorted input system); higher tiers are 12x and 25x faster. Crystal Infusers no longer have an ongoing Crystal cost. Added World Seeds.

By default, your world name is your seed. If you enter a number, that's used as the seed. This won't affect existing worlds. Added Main-menu readout for all current DLCs and install status. Clicking on a DLC you don't own should open the page for it. Lots and lots of people still don't realise we HAVE shiny toys to add to the game!. MMB click on a BluePrint when Crafting to add a Reminder.

MMB click on an Ingredient when Crafting to jump to it's help. Massive Modding updates. Basic Smelters now only need Copper and Tin, and should be available within 1 hour of a new game. Organic Rock surface spawns increased at corners of your base. Removed Iron requirement from MK1 Forced Induction, allowing it to be available much sooner in the game. Base Building Logistics research no longer require the Lab.

Added a bar beneath the ARTHER power bar to show the Base's power. Left-Command and clicking Craft should now make 25 items on the Mac. Increased Organic Battery storage to 8500 (up from 5500). Electric Lights should now correctly save.

HONEST. You can no longer build on top of CryoPlasm, Sand or Magma. Frozen Factory Expansion Changes.

Added Flatland unlock as a reward for killing your first CryoPlasm Spawner!. Added MassStorage IO ports; these can interface with a Mass Storage system at huge speeds, but require power and a Mass Storage Controller. Added TourCarts; like Minecarts, but with zero capacity, and lovely and fast. Great for a tour of your base. Added CryoMines.

If CryoPlasm covers these, then they detonate in an 8m explosion. Does not hard any types of machines or blocks; it WILL, however, detonate other CryoMines in range!.

Added FALCOR Bomber. Ideal for removing dense, remote creep. Added CryoBomb Assembler. Added Chromed Machine Blocks. Added Magnetic Machine Blocks. Added Hiemal Machine Blocks.

Added Assembler for each of the above. Added MK2 and MK3 Trencher heads, with increasing efficiency. Particle Compressors now have a compression ratio of 232:1. Increased MagmaBore cost to 1 billion power. This is approximately 3 hours for 20x full-speed geothermals. Added V3 build gun and V3 grapple with glorious T4 orange! Everything else.

Fixed SpiderBot sim on Dedicated Servers. Removed ongoing crystal cost from Coal Infuser - added massive up-front Crystal cost instead. Locked away T4 skin properly this time - sorry!. Patreons will now have access to T4 skins, due to overwhelming sentiment. The only thing Patreons do NOT get is the little sign on the main menu, saying that you own the Expansion. Bling Skin requirement remains unchanged.

Removed the ability to manually remove items from Mass Storage. This is FAR too over-powered, and will likely come back in the form of a single-item 'Get me this' machine later on. Fixed disappearing spiderbot on dedicated server (I hope!). Fixed item dupe bug.

Final bits and bobs. Attempting to take items from an empty Storage Hopper will no longer tell you that your inventory is full. Blocks incorrectly configured with a Max Stack of 0 will now error to the Mod author and then return 100. Improved Research Pod Assembler help files. Fixed issue with partial locking of Liquifiers. Fixed issue where Item Injectors that have never been within the client's local frustum can hand off items to the player. Oops!.

Transport Pipes now require Crystal Scans and researching. I will LITERALLY hang people from their own entrails if they start threads asking 'Why can't I build Transport Pipes anymore?' . Added a complete hand-holding and guidance mission/quest system. RUN CONVEYORS BELTS FROM YOUR ORE EXTRACTORS TO YOUR SMELTER. Icons!

Models!. Fixed the radius check on Ablators, Melters, Lancers and Liquifiers. Substantially improved Lancer and Melter efficiency against high-speed rebuilding CryoPlasm. Ablators and Liquifiers now use up half as much power. Ablators and Liquifiers now perform their work twice as quickly (net gain: 4x boost in hivemind clearing and liquid resin collection).

Increased usage of Refined Liquid Resin across the board, including many T4 recipes. There is a massive thread on this here:, but I'll clear up a few of the confusions we have going on about this!'

T4' is the lazy way of saying 'Tier 4', which is the lazy way of saying 'Any machine made available to the player after purchasing the Frozen Factory Expansion Pack'. This is a ton of machines designed to catapult the player into the Cold Cavern and to make the Orbital Energy Transmitter look like a baby's toy, featuring a completely NEW Tower Defence mechanic, new resource trees and just bloody loads of stuff. It's great!The Frozen Factory Expansion Pack should be available TO EVERYONE at the end of this month, assuming nothing goes wrong. ːpcraceːIf you are a Patreon of the game, you get early access to this expansion pack; this was done for a whole bunch of reasons:.

I don't have much else to offer:(. If I gave this out as part of the mainline build and then hid it away when it got released, everyone would get annoyed at me. If I did work out a way to give it to all the Bleeding Edge crew, I would be completely flooded with bug reports - restricting it to a few hundred Patrons means that the bug reports I get tend to be more detailed and much less common!BUT! 8 months on from release, and I'm still at average of 1.0 patches per month. As (most of) you are aware, the plan is to release the Frozen Factory Expansion pack at the end of June. Pricing has still to be decided, but it's been a lot of fun testing and playing all the new features - the CryoPlasm spawners offer a very different gaming experience to the current 'surface wasps' system, the new Particulate resources look great, and the Magma Bore itself is absolutely awesome. It was quite a struggle to make the Orbital Energy Transmitter look small and puny, but we've managed it!There's still an awful lot of work to be done in the next month, but I'm pretty confident we're going to make it.

What other time I have will be spent on improvement Server management code; RCON, permissions, ranks etc.But despite my heavy focus on the expansion, we've got a few awesome new machines, and some somewhat LESS awesome machines, designed to help you automate. I've also been spending a huge amount of time optimising the dedicated server, and you should be seeing CPU usage around 10%-15% of what it was previously, along with much-reduced ram usage.That's all from me; on with the patch notes!The bit everyone cares about.

New machines!. Added Ore Thief 3000(tm).

This 3x3 early-game machine will remove ore from the player's inventory and store it. It'll then offload onto any attached storage hoppers. Added 5x5 Induction Charger. Ideal for low to medium power solutions without lots of awkward Lasers. Added a Slime Attractor. Requires Spoiled Organic Remains and 8 pps. Added Infused Coal; this gives PTGs a much needed mid-game boost and gives alternative power type choices to players.


Added Empty Fuel Canister crafting machine. Steel Bars can no longer be crafted by hand, and instead you need to make a machine to do it. I meant to do this about 3 years ago. Added Advanced and Imbued Machine Block crafters; these are no longer hand-craftable.The reason that above list is quite small this month. Patreon-specific and Frozen Factory. Added T4 Ore Pings. MagmaBores are now considered to be T4 machines, and are no longer craftable, except by Patreons.

Added T4 Particle Filtration systems and T4 Gas Compressors. Added Gas Bottlers - you can get the Gas Canisters from these. TLDR - Particles Filters - Particle Compressors - Gas Storage- Gas Bottler.

Build only where the atmosphere is thick with particulates ie the toxic or cold caverns. Added Poison and Slow missiles. They've got fancy-pants names in-game however. Added DoT effect to mobs. Aded Slow Effect to mobs. It'll even work networked!.

GeoThermals now produce 10x the power if fed by Freezon Canisters. The rate of feeding is still to be decided. Added PPS for filtration systems.

Added T4 Minecarts; as fast as Fast ones and as large as Large ones!. T4 Dazzler Turret now constructable. Geothermals should no longer use 1xFreezon per connected player (!). Geothermals should now be able to build into Lava. Lancers should only sleep for 5s after completing a work cycle, not 60. Added T4 'sparkle' to MK3 lasers when fully-upgraded. This should let you easily see if parts of your network need some love.Important stuff!

Major Fixes and improvements. Added 3 Inventory Sort functions; Alphabetical, Type and Quantity. Added a CPH compass. Everyone should now have brand new glowsticks!.

Dapper DLC owners: Glowsticks default to blue, not green. Dapper DLC owners: Glowsticks will be the colour of your paintgun (N to select). Dapper DLC owners: Choosing BLACK as your Paintgun colour will force fully-saturated, randomly-coloured glowsticks. RAVE!.

Looking at the help page for an un-researched Project will now show all the items that it unlocks. Increased maximum power transfer rate of Lab. Fixed a missile issue where delayed damage was ALWAYS delayed for 15 seconds (!). Further fixes for 'flickering combat text' issue. Maybe I got this time. Maybe it's mabelyinne. Substantial CPU saving to LF simulation on Dedicated Servers.

Teleporters now work for networked clients again. Fixed Target Marker Duplication issues with Teleporters. Rebalanced lab work; Labs now require half as much power to research. Research Pods now require twice as much power; this gives the net effect of the same power to complete a research, but allows the player to work in advance to complete the research, as well as deal with a number of smallers power consumers, instead of one massive one.

The lab will also give readouts on how well you're doing. Nne Perkins!Not-so-important stuff. Minor stuffs. Reduced rate of archiving, to reduce threaded load.

DropPods now drop less and less often as the game progresses; after 50 hours of play, they only drop once per 10 hours, instead of once per hour. Minecart visual updates now happen a little faster if your framerate is high enough. MK2 PSBs now require research. I shall be EXCEPTIONALLY SARCASTIC to anyone who asks 'Why can't I craft these any more? (As that means you not only didn't check the forums, you didn't even check the damned reearch station!). CamoBots now lurrrrrrrrve the Induction Charger platforms.

Removed circular dependcy; Steel Smelters no longer require Crystal, which requires Steel Drill heads. Massively improved Cold Creep. Significant CPU improvements to Oozes, Camobots and Minecarts, especially on dedicated servers.

Fixed a MAJOR typo, causing things to think they were in the wrong segment. This will affect all mobs and all dropped items. Reduced the disk load CPU usage by approximately 90% (TO 10%!).

Iron Gears no longer need 15(!) Research Points. Liquifiers and Ablators now obey Pythagorus (Sum of the square of the other 2 sides, not the product of the sum!). Changed Bulk Cargo Lift crafting costs. Ablators should no longer leave partially ablated resin behind. Slimes will now ignore attractors more than 128 metres away. MK2 Solars will DEFINITELY collect power at night now.

Tottes. Removed some log file spam. Log spam is approx 10 gigs per day on a large base. Mod Stuff. Made a bunch of UI specific things public. Added EntityManager.instance.WhatsAtTheOtherEndOfThisPipe - I decided that the generic pipes were so damned cool, that modders will want to use 'em.

Call this and you'll get what's at the other end of the pipe. WhatsAtTheOtherEndOfThisPipe(long x, long y, long z, ushort dir, int maxdistance, MachineEntity lOwner, out ushort lCube, out SegmentEntity lEntity, out lnPipeDistance) returns either ePipeResult.eSuccess or ePipeResult.eSegmentLoadingCallAgain - questions welcome!.

Generic Auto Crafters can now be made that do not require power. You're welcome, modders!. Not much much support in the form of code changes this month; remember, the nice guy doing the mod changes is a volunteer, and has been busy at work!. Next month, Workshop support is high priority.

I think there's enough mods out there to warrant it, and it'll stop the endless 'Does this game have mod support?' Questions I get.