The Infectious Madness Of Doctor Dekker Trophy Guide

Feb 15, 2019  Platinum #820 The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker and final trophy earned was:-Hintless Wonder Zero hints, and you absolutely didn't cheat at all.

This guide is a full walkthrough from When you 1st sit down with Marianna for act 1 these questions in order will skip you straight to green without the possibility of you stopping at amber so insane points are innevitable.HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.Are you sitting comfortably.YES. Good well with all that out the way lets begin shall we.1. Yes i feel okay thanks for asking3.

What did you think of Dr Dekker4. And how does it make you feel him being dead5. Okay sorry i'll listen more so can you tell me anything about his murder6. Was he always a good listener7. So how long was you his patient8. Yes there's cake HAHAHA / No sorry there is no cake9. Maybe you could tell me why you are here10.

You're here because of public nudity11. So there's no charges as of yet12. And how many times have the police picked you up Exactly13. Do you or they ever find your clothes14.

Do they always find you at the beach15. So you go there to make bracelets16. Do you ever go in the sea on your visits17. So you're a strong swimmer then18.

Have you ever passed out from holding your breath19. Have you ever sustained any injuries during them20. How do you feel when you wake up21. Have you been in the sea at all is your hair still wet22.

What else can you tell me about your blackouts23. He thought you had anxiety issues24. Breathing badly could be an explanation for them25. You can lie down if you want too26. Whats the last thing you do remember27. What do you think Dr Dekker had worked out28. Now play nice to help you i need to understand his previous prognosis29.

Weeeelll i could always suggest you lose weight HAHAHA30. What if you was to record your beach visits31. Couldn't someone go with you to film and watch over you32. Errrrrrrmmm yes okay i suppose i could watch over you / No sorry i won't watch over you33.

Maybe you could just stop going to the beach all together34. Yes i have been addicted in the past / No i have never been addicted35.

So what do you think might be causing your blackouts36. Yes i like dancing / No i don't like dancing37. Does it only happen when you dance38. I have never been to the pearl39. You've mentioned the cheap vodka twice now so do you drink a lot of shots40.

Really okay so do you just flirt a bit with people at these clubs41. Sorry i'll rephrase that so do you dance alone at these clubs42. You don't have many real friends why is that43. So why do you move around so much44.

I think you should stop dancing for a while45. Weeeellllll you normally blackout when you dance so its probably best to stop for a while andjust see how it goesAnd there you have it peeps full speed green light all the way to the end of act 1. If you want an amber light just ask questions (44&45) at any timeThis is the 1st patient you see when you start the game hence the 1st guide i have made it is meant as just a way of showing a flowing conversation not all jumbled up bits of information so If you have found this helpful.

A little thank you in the comments wouldn't go a miss. Also if anyone wants me to continue with these guides again just post a comment and i will see what i can do as it can be quite time consuming. This guide is a full walkthrough from When you 1st sit down with Nathan for act 1 these questions in order will skip you straight to green without the possibility of you stopping at amber so insane points are innevitable.HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.Lets begin1. Why do you think you're in hell3. So you're a supermarket worker4. And you think you're not aging5.

Is that why you stopped being a builder6. And thats why you are here7. Why do you say purgatory8.

So you're stuckk and nothing changes at all9. Did Dr Dekkers murder make a change10.

What does move you forward11. And are you in control of things12. So Dr Dekker didn't help you13. Gunslugs 2. You say he was complex in what way14. Why wouldn't he remember15. You had Mondays with him16. Is that why you said montages earlier17.

What sleeping tablets you on18. You mentioned Dr Dekker was going through some sort of conflict19. Have you experienced other tragic events you want to talk about20. You crashed into a lorry21. Would you go back to that day again if you could22. Tell me about Hannah how did you meet23.

So you often played warcraft then24. Are you still depressed escaping into the game maybe25.

Well then yes I can Help you / No i can't help you sorry26. The accident five years ago it wasn't your faultTo get an AMBER result ask question (25&26) at an earlier time.

Wales Interactive is proud to offer two of their very best interactive movies, The Complex and Late Shift, in one bundle!After a major bio-weapon attack on London, two scientists find themselves in a locked-down laboratory with time, and air, running out. Make or break relationships to discover one of eight suspenseful endings in this interactive sci-fi thriller movie from Wales Interactive.Late Shift is a high stakes FMV crime thriller.

After being forced into the robbery of a lucrative auction house, mathematics student Matt is left proving his innocence in the brutal London heist. Your choices will have consequences from the very start, right through to the very end. One small decision could change the entire outcome in a choose-your-own-path style gameplay that can lead to one of seven conclusions.Show More. Submitted on 3/31/2020 Review title of JewishHulk875 star game, perfect for streamers!I love these kind of games. Its got tons of choices, a great story and acting as well as an audience choice option for streamers. The game is five star worthy and is glitch free and priced well, i'm impressed.

I'm definitely happy and would buy their games in the future on day one again, thank you for this game, keep up the good work Wales Interactive. You've got a hit on your hands with this top notch fmv game❤👍. Submitted on 3/31/2020 Review title of Duckman 1979Art imitates LifeHuge fan of Wales Interactive this is there very best FMV todate!

I'm sure at some point the Studio will get heat for releasing this game (Due to real life mirroring elements of the game) It's not so much in bad taste it's just something writers/storytellers seen coming. Humanity in general hates having a mirror put to them. The Complex is a very dark FMV masterpiece that feels like a epic big budget film. Visually it looks close to flawless it must've been shot in 2K the picture quality pops, Audio also outstanding the DTS 5.1+ sounds really good with the proper balance of dialog and sound F/X mixed with a nice Escape from NY style score.

All the actors do a fantastic job (everyone is playing it straight feels very organic like a Live Stage play) the 3 Stand-outs being Michelle Mylett, Al Weaver & Kim Adis. (i would love to see this title get a proper Physical Collector's edition with a Original soundtrack, even a audio commentary track. Highly recommend this FMV epic.