The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2 Fishing

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Walkthrough Discussion TrueAchievements forum thread. Tie the washing line onto the wooden stick to get homemade fishing rod. Leave the village.

THE BOOK OF UNWRITTEN TALESAsolution by Lu Richardson-The Product:Excellentin every respect, clever and funny. In short, a real gem.Chapter 1, TheProloguePartI: IVOStarta new game, watch and listen. Whatfollows is the tutorial: you'll learn topress the space bar, examine what there is (again and again) and to talk towhoever is handy (again and again). Bythis I mean that the preliminary look will indicate what there is around, thesecond might allow to pick things up or interact with them and a conversationwith whoever is near might modify the status of the items available; indeed, ifyou feel you can't go any further, talk to whoever is around again. You'll get the hang of it as you goalong.MoveL, press the space bar, examine the rope, click on therope. You swing over to the cage,examine it, talk to the Gremlin. Offer to save him: at end of the conversation, press the spacebar and examine what there is - talk again to the Gremlin asking for help andhe'll give you a bullwhip.

Use that onthe L magnifying glass spot and climb. Wait and listen. Examine the flagand take the baton. Examine the cartonon the R and you get the fishing line and hook, combine that with the baton anduse the whole on the sword to the L.

Once armed, go down and pump the Gremlin for info. Finally, cut the rope with the sword.PartII: WILBURWhenthe conversation is over, space bar and examineeverything. Try to open the case on theR, pick up the crowbar on the L of the bar and use it on the box. Read the manual.

Examine the rat hole to get some fur; move L,space bar, examine the chair and the map. L into the kitchen, examine everything and pick up what you can: you should end up with two lots of rubbish, anet and an empty coffee pot. Feed one lot of rubbish to the robot, add the rat fur and watch. Talk to the Brewer and go out to the R.Watch. I won't say again 'space bar, examineeverything, get what you can' since you know that already. OK, here you need the icicle and the rolledtarpaulin. Go back in to talk to theBrewer but he's sleeping in his favourite chair and is not interested.Out,click on the gnome hole.

Inside, try topick up the flying fish. Look at thelevers to the L and use the first one on the R to bring up the kitchen. Take the barley, scissors, cleaner and, frominside the cupboard, the superfertilizer. Out, use the second lever from the R. Get the knapsack and the racket: combine the net with the racket and get theflying fish. Down.Talkto Granddad and use the 'Nuclear' line.

Take the elven rope, the tool box and theextendable arm. Talk to Granddad againto find out what you need. Go talk tothe Brewer. Move on to the kitchen. Combine the rope and the tarpaulin and thatwith the knapsack to get the parachute. Combine the extendable arm with the cleaner and use it on the pot to getthe helmet.

Out, try to get the map butyou can't. Use the scissors on theBrewer's beard, feed the rubbish to the robot and thenthe beard. When the Brewer goes to get a drink, get themap.Backto Granddad with everything he asked you to get. He needs something else, so go to the Brewerand find out what he wants to brew you some ale.

Ask where you'd find some hops. At the end of the conversation, look into therat hole to get one single hop - of course, the Brewer needs lots more.Intothe kitchen, combine the icicle with the coffee pot and place it on the stoveto melt.

Get back to the gnome hole,place the hop on the flowerpot to the L, add the fertilizer and help yourselfto hops. Go to the Brewer and hand overwhat he needed. Wait and, after theconversation, take the ale to Granddad. Place the mechanical fish in the vice on the L and use the tool box onit to get the cog. Give it to Granddadand watch.PartIII: IVOWhenthe conversation is over, look around and get the watering can and thefirewood. Examine the flowerpot on top of the wood stack to get a piece offlint. Use the well's crank and use thewatering can on the end of the rope to get some water.

Go inside and examine everything,particularly the laundry. Get the shieldfrom the stove and use it on the mirror frame to the L.

Open the sarcophagus and have the first ofmany silly conversations with the mummy. Get the sieve, read the book again and again, pick up the valuabledocuments. Use the sieve in the stonechest to get a key, which of course fits the locked wooden box. Inside there is an informative piece of paperand if you look again you'll find something else. Examine the stone pillar,use the stone disk in the socket. Examine the statue and 'talk' to it to get some coffeebeans.

Out.Grindthe beans in the mill. Place thefirewood and the valuable documents in the stove and light the fire with theflint. Place the watering can on thebracket and swing it over the fire to boil the water, thenswing the bracket again to get it back. Add the coffee to the watering can. Go to the machine and pour the coffee into the bowl. Watch.Downto the cellar, examine everything L to R, get theshears and the wooden staff.

When you'vedone, go outside and use the staff on the wooden cover above the door. Use the shears on the small grave to the L;when you examine it you get the name of the cat. Go back in and to the cellar, place the staffin the hole in the ground, move the statue to the L until the shaft of lightgoes through the top of the staff; its jewel is missing. Go talk to the mummy, say Mortimer sent youand the answer to his questions are red, Kinski and234. Confuse the mummy with 234 and taxhim with not knowing the answer; you get the jewel - take it down to the cellarand place it in the staff. The gateopens, examine the book and take it.

Watch.Chapter II, Inthe cityPartI: WILBURAtthe end of the conversation examine everything and shift the flat stone. Enter the town and start going R whilelooking at everything.

Enter the tavernand chat to the guys. Here you pick upan empty jar and a saw. When you've done talking try going through the door on the R. Out, go R and talk to the guard.Leavetown and use the empty jar on the flat stone: back to the tavern, try talkingto the guys, enter the Server room. Examine everything, mess up the files in the bottom R and watch. Use the saw on the replacement chair, mess upthe files and swap chairs. When the monkey gets back to work, use thebugs on him.

Again, when the monkey gets back to work,leave and go to the guard. You catch himeating something: threaten to tell theplayers and get a banana. Use it on themonkey to disrupt the game.

The playersgo back to their occupations and you can now visit the Mage School.Yougo straight to Markus who tells you what you need to do to get a diploma andgives you a magic card to fast travel. Examine the shop before you leave, take the crystal ball and thecontents of the box by the door. AskMarkus about the mirror.

Watch and look at the merchant. Talk to him and try to buy a magic wand - nogo. He gives you a job, though. Leave town and go L to the showman. Look around and get a feather, then talk tohim to find out how to get a heap of money; have a go at the wheel of fortune,ask for a prediction and about the cages. Now try to swap crystal balls - he could see you, so ask him about theinvisible squirrel and while he is looking at it, swap balls. If you fail, try again.Nowit gets a bit irritating.

Save beforeyou have a go. What you need to do is toget the showman to tell your future a couple of times to find out how it works,so that you know you can only ask five questions before he wakes up. In the first set of questions, ask him aboutthe two colours and then figure out the correct one (you should do this withonly two questions of course, easy enough) then move on to the next round.

Again, ask about the two colours and figureout the correct one, moving on to the next round. Now you only have one question left: you should be able to figure out the firstand second colours, but the third will have to be a guess between two. If you fail, you have to do it allagain. Although the colours are random,for what it's worth the correct answers for me while playing the game andgetting things wrong were Red Yellow Yellow, Red Red Red and Blue Green Green. So if yourtwo first correct colours are, say, Red and Yellow and you have to choosebetween yellow and another, try Yellow! Good luck.Eventuallyyou will get your gold, so get back to town and do the merchant's task. Stand by the sewer entrance and use the threepotions you are carrying - the last one will reduce your size but not enough toenter the sewers, so speak to the merchant and talk him into giving you a magicring (say you need it to catch the rat), and when you use it you will be smallenough to enter the sewers.Talkto the rat and explain your problems and he'll explain his.

Offer to get some food, grab some mouldyslime from the ground in front of you, leave and go to the guard. Try to get the sandwich and of course youcan't, so talk to him and offer to play a game for it. Which you lose.

On the way to Markus enter the tavern to pickup the sticky tape from the console and the inkpot from the server room.AskMarkus about the card game and he will give you half a supercard. Explain your difficulty to the rat, leavetown and when you come back he will call you and give you the other half. Stick them together with the sticky tape andgo to the guard, who refuses to accept it. Go back to Markus and explain - he gives you the rule book. This time you beat the guard, so threaten totell everyone and finally ask for the sandwich in exchange for your silence.Approachthe sewers, select the sandwich from your inventory and push it in.

Go in now and get a mask in return. Take it to the merchant and get the roll ofcloth. Once more into the sewer and askthe rat for a pattern and a wand.Leavetown, come back and get them both. Usethe needle and thread on the pattern to make your robe. Now visit Markus with the money and your robeand wand and he will tell you what to do to get a diploma.Lookat the bookcase to get a recipe, collect all the ingredients from thekitchenette and leave.

Go to the showman and ask about spells - hewould teach you a trick with a rabbit and a top hat if you had such things. Grab the carrot by the hamster's cage.

Use the magic card to fast travel to theSwamp of Death.Getan ingredient from the tree, go through it and into the ship, get anotheringredient, look at the top hat, get some rope, look at the book and get into alengthy conversation with Death. If youask for the hat it won't be forthcoming. Ask about the mirror. Attempt towrite in the book with your feather. Asyou leave, get one more ingredient from the skeleton in the swamp. To get the rabbit, tie the rope to the tree and the carrot to the rope.Goto the rat and ask for the ingredients you are missing.

Leave town, come back and get them. Enter the Mage School, use the mortar on thedesk to powder the antlers and extract the slimy mould on the kitchenette. You should have all the ingredients for thepotion, but don't do it yet. If youleave town and come back you'll see the merchant packing to leave; talk to himand say you won't be his friend any more and he willgive you a bag. Inside, some firecrackers.Travelto the Swamp and Death, enter the ship, place the fire crackers in the stove tothe R and while Death is investigating, write in the book. Draw Death's attention to it, watch, go tothe mirror in the Mage School and you automatically get the amulet, return toDeath and accuse him of making a mistake, confess to writing in the book and hewill bring you back to life.

Talk to himagain and persuade him to change his profession to, say, contract killer. He has a better idea and sends you to getsome backing, so visit the showman and he is interested; back to Death who hasdug up a grave and invites you to try it. Give him the honour of being the first and bury him (he'll let you holdhis hat). Once you've done that, go withthe rabbit and top hat to the showman to learn the trick.Noputting it off any more: now for thepotion. Save before you start and followthe instructions to the letter. After afew false starts you should be able to make it.

Tell Markus, give him the amulet and show him your trick. You get the mage diploma. Outside you say fond goodbyes to your friendthe rat - go to the guard, talk to him, go through thegates and watch.PartII: WILBUR and IVOBeforeyou can do anything, you get into a conversation with an orcand an imprisoned man. At the end of it,examine the pink beastie in the cage and talk to Nate. Talk to the orc. Start looking around: pick up the net and try to pick up therope.

When Nate speaks to the orc and she turns around, pick up the rope, move R andfinish looking about. Now enter themage's tower and examine everything. Out, R and to the lower town.Youoverhear a conversation between Ivo and the guard.

Talk to Ivo, then the guard, and go L downthe street to the mage school. In there, read the note on the table and takethe glasses.

Go all the way R till youget outside the mage's tower, look at the pillar and tie the rope to it for Ivoto climb. You both end up in the mage'stower.Usethe glasses on the big book and read a couple of entries.

Talk to Ivo and she will consult her book andlook at the map; read the encyclopaedia again to look for KrunPak. Change to Ivo and let her get the map on topof the bookcase, and look at the big map on the wall. Follow her instructions to pinpoint theisland. Out to theship. From here on I'm not goingto say 'change to' but instead indicate which character is in charge.WILBUR: give the power elixir to Ivo and collect therope you tied to the pillar. IVO: talkto the orc and challenge her to an arm-wrestlingcontest. Use the elixir and try again.

WILBUR: while the orc is busy, place the net on theplank, throw the rope over the brace, tie one end to the net and the other tothe bale. IVO: having beaten the orc,try to push the bale off; call Wilbur to help. Talk to Nate. Watch.Chapter III, Inside the Sunken TemplePartI: IVOLookaround. Get the rope, bucket of water,stick and fishbone. Use the bucket ofwater on the dry earth.

Get the worms. Combine the rope, stick, fishbone and wormsto get a fishing pole - you ask Wilbur for help.

Call to Nate and he tosses you a jar. Get the bird to distract the bees and get some honey with the jar, useit to catch the fire fairies.

This topic will be an exclusive one for the answers of CodyCross Grey, moody and dark, a looming cloudy sky, this game was developed by Fanatee Games a famous one known in puzzle games for ios and android devices. Dark cloudy sky From Now on, you will have all the hints, cheats and needed answers to complete this puzzle.You will have in this game to find the words from the hint in order to fulfill the board and find a final word of the puzzle group.

Now you havecreatures of fire (the fairies), of water (the fish in the bucket) and of earth(the worms). Place them all in the rightplaces and ask the bird to get inside the 'creature of air' niche andthe door will open. All three charactersgo in. Oops!PartII: IVO, WILBUR, NATEChangeto Wilbur and Nate just to see how and where they are. IVO: look around and go further into theTemple.

Look around again and pick upthe machete by the skeleton. Go back tothe entrance, cut a root with the machete and swing outside. Look at the niches and collect the jar andthe bucket. Go back inside and furtherinto the Temple, collect a jellyglowfish with thejar, put it in the bucket, tie the bucket to the stick and lower the jar toWilbur, who then shouts some symbols and passes the jar on to Nate.Walkto the stone wheels: turn the bottom onethree times to get the star, the next one up already has a branch, turn thenext one up once; turn the one at the top three times. Wilbur's door opens.WILBUR: Walk L to discover a hatch, only you can'topen it. NATE: Walk L to discover a wheel which cannot bemoved.

What follows seems an unnecessarycomplication, but here goes. WILBUR: Step on the platform, godown and look around. Discover the rootsand ask Nate for a leg up. NATE: Step on the platform. WILBUR: push the stone onto the platform and move onto it. Nate comes up.

NATE: open hatch. WILBUR: step on the platform. NATE: step on the platform. WILBUR: go through the hatch andup the ladder; look up and go further up. Toss the crystal to Ivo and pick up the stone tablet.

Take it to Ivo. IVO: Look at the tablet and use the stone wheels: use the symbols on the left column and pressthe button.

NATE: Use the switch between the platforms. WILBUR: climb down the ladder to the newpassage and go through it go the another crystal. Get back to Ivo's level. IVO: use the stone wheels and change them to the symbols on middle column inthe stone tablet.

NATE: Turn the wheel on the L. IVO: change the wheels to the symbols on the right-hand column of thetablet.

NATE: Climb up to Ivo's level.IVO: go further into the Temple and place thecrystals in the round receptacles, stand by the middle one. Change to the others and have each of thempress one of the crystals. IVO: press the middle crystal and go through.

Pick up the paddle, the pebbles and searchthe offering bowl for a tin of sardines and a stone disc (don't worry about themetal bar, you don't need it as Ivo). Look at the central door and go through theopening. Turn the wheel to the L of thedoor to open it. Examine everything, get another stone disc and a tube.

Go to the machine in the middle and add thediscs to the pile, first the larger then the smaller one. Look at it, press the middle button, turn thetop disc one turn, press the button: if the switch to the bottom left turns green,you are in the right spot. If not, turnthe disc once again, press the button and watch the switch.

If it turns yellow it means a symbol near tothe one in front of you will be correct. Turn the disc once more and press thebutton. Once the firstswitch to the bottom L is green, repeat with the other discs. When all four switches are green, you've gotthe machine going.Tryplacing the tube you picked up in the machine to the R and you will see thesystem really needs repairing. Nomatter, pick up the tube, press the red button by the door and go through thenow open entrance. In, pick up the crystals, go to the point of entry and watch.

Get the fishing pole and swing outside. Have a look and go back to the machineroom. Pour the oil from the can ofsardines in front of the drawer, put the paddle in theturning machine. Go out and lure Munkus to you by throwing the pebbles at him, go back tothe machine room and watch. As soon asyou can, place the tube in the machine to the R and knock him out.

You can leave, and you shut the door on yourway out. Examine the offering bowl andget a mirror. Leave the Temple.Usethe mirror on the troll (he drops his club) and retreat smartly. Come out again, move the cursor near Nate toget the option of asking the guys to distract the troll. When they do so, usethe fishing rod on the club and then the mirror on the troll. Watch.IVOand WILBUR: go to the offering bowl anduse the crystals on the receptacles to open the sealed door, go in.

There follows a very funny sequence withWilbur feeling his way about in the darkness.Gropefor a container, fill it with the liquid. Find a box, open it, put the dried jellyglowfish in the container.IVO: Use the barrel to get across, look around,get the wooden board, go back and give it to Wilbur. WILBUR: Use the barrel, get the scratchlounder andplace it into the horn. Enter the smellyhole and you'll get all sorts of silly options, but you should come away with awooden lid and a rope; go across and give the rope to Ivo and try to close thebarrel with the lid - Ivo gets a good idea.IVO: Tie the rope to the chest and, together withWilbur, you pull it out.

Open it and getthe cone, give it to Wilbur. WILBUR: place the cone on the scratchlounder and blow the horn.

There follows another strangeconversation. Watch.Chapter IV, TheWild LandsPartI: NATEAfternarrating the story so far, look around, grab the scrap of leather and talk tothe water corpse. Get the glue, unbreakable string and yellowpaint. Talk to the zombies. Pick up the map on the boxes under the head, the red earth and themushroom. Go right to the Orc camp, take the rotten boards, look at the device on therubbish heap, look twice at the blue flowers and take them, get theposter. Try to open the gate and you getto chat with an orc and find out what you need to doto get Wilbur back.Goto the crypt and talk to Gulliver - he tells you about the warrior set.

Of course, he wants something in return. Talk to the jester and find out what heneeds, then go R and talk to the jilted bride. Have another look around, particularly at the sarcophagus; the statuehas a seal ring. Outside, walk to the L to see a teepee. Enter it,pick up the bellows, get them for nothing since theyare broken. Use the glue on the scrap ofleather, use that on the bellows to mend them. Pick up the metal container.

Use the red earth with the mortar andafterwards the blue blossoms. Finally,get the make-up and the black ink from the chest. Leave.Backto the crypt, use the feather on the paper in your inventory to write a loveletter (take your pick from the choices, bearing in mind that she thinkssomething dreadful happened to Max). Ifyou then give the letter to her she will reject it since it is not sealed. Go out and use the letter with the drippingcandle then go back in and use it on the sarcophagus seal ring; give it to thejilted maiden and she'll tell you about the shield.Leave. Outside the crypt, talk to the head, then talk to the Paladin. Note how he spits when Zombies are mentioned.

Go L and, when he is not looking, get thepom-pom from the chest; look at his banner above. Go to the teepee,talk to the Minotaur and ask for help with the Paladin. He asks for ingredients for a potion.

Go to the Paladin and put the empty bowl onthe ground where he spits. Talk to himand keep asking about Zombies till the bowl is full, then ask about his hairand you'll get his comb. Collect thebowl and go to where the water corpse was. While here, dip the red earth powder into the pool of tears.

Get ashes from an urn to the L. Take everything to the minotaurand you get a potion.Talkto the Paladin and offer him a zero-calories potion ( Manapotion- Lite). Askhim for a few buffs and he will drink. In his body, walk to the crypt and talk to the jester.

Outside, grab Ester/Esther's head, go into the crypt and talk to thejester to find out where the helmet is. Give the head to Gulliver but don't get further involved just yet. Go to the teepee,talk to the Minotaur and he'll ask you for some mushrooms. Go talk to Gulliver and then the jester. In your inventory, mix the blue paste withthe red paint, then the blue paste with the yellow paint. Paint the mushroom purple, add the greenspots with the green paint then talk to Gulliver. Esther obliges with the smell.

Take the mushroom to the minotaur.Backto Gulliver, give him his lung (bellows) and tell him you can't find aheart. Follow them outside and talk to Gulliveragain. Go to the teepeeand you will get a rain dance. Now thisis a darned nuisance for those of us whose fingers are not particularly agile,but the game cannot go on until you complete the sequence of the dance with thearrow keys.

Save before you start andhave a go.Ifyou make it and get struck by lightning, save at the first opportunity. Youdon't want to have to do this again!

Enter the crypt and talk to Gulliver. Now you know where the last piece of equipment is.

Check out the grave ahead to get thearmour. Leave.Nowfor the warrior set.

Look at your mapand fast travel to the Ogres. Look atthe gap on the L and use the rotten boards on it. Move on and chat to the Ogres, then talk to Blout and find out about the ogre cocktail, ask what youneed. At the end start lookingaround. Get the umbrella, the cocktailglass, the sack of apples and the blue hose.

Go to the Orc gate, tip the apples into thepressing device and press them. Go tothe teepee, put the hose on the lid of the pot, tip the apple juice in. Keep tipping it in till the alcohol is ogre strength. Use that with the glass and the umbrella withthe glass and you are all set. Back to the ogres. Give the cocktail to Zloff. Combine the string with the pom-pom and click on Bloutto lure him.

Get the shield.Usethe map to fast travel to the mine S of here. Have a chat with thehelmet and, whatever you say, you get chucked out ofthe mine. Go in, look L to see the watertrough but go R. At the first openingwait a bit and when no-one is looking grab the teddy and put it on the otherchair. In, into the other room, you see achest. Out, keep R and enter the nextroom, grab the dynamite and the key from the table, back to the chest, open it,get a magnet. Out.Nowfirst go R then L to an opening.

Watch apixie travelling to and from the fire. When he turns away, grab the water skin and fill it at the water trough,go up and stop at the next entrance, chuck the water bottle at the torch.

Grab the torch, takeit to the room where you found the waterskin andlight it when no-one is looking. Go backto the room from which you took the torch, up, place the dynamite in the rubbleand light it with the torch. Go up throughthe smoke till you are directly over the helmet. Combine the string with the magnet and dangleit over the helmet. As you leave, note the copper vein in theroom where the rubble was and pick up the handle. Out of the mine and collect the helmet.Fast travel to the dragon. Pick up the hammer, pliers and stone bowl.

Talk to the dragon. Go L to pick up a stone, crack it on theanvil with the hammer.

Leave and go tothe mine, where you first talked to the helmet. Talk to the pixie and get the stone dragon head and a few nuggets of gold. Back to the forge, place the dragon head atthe end of the lava bowl, pull the chain. Place the nuggets in the stone bowl and putit in the furnace, use the pliers to get the bowl and pour the molten gold intothe coin press to get a gold coin. Giveit to the dragon and you will get the pickaxe head and the broken sword. Talk to the dragon and she gives you abook.

Fast travel to the mine, go to the room wherethe rubble was, combine the handle with the pickaxe and get the copper from thevein. Return to the forge, melt thecopper as you did the gold and cool it in the water trough, then work it on theanvil. Reforge the swordand talk to the dragon - first get her mad, then ask for her help and she willbreathe fire on the sword. Job done.Now for the orcs. Go to the gate and show off your warrior set. You are in.PartII: IVO and CRITTERYoustart off as Ivo, look around and talk to the bird if you must but watch whathappens when you talk to the Critter and ask for help.CRITTER: Get the bar, get some cloth from the skeletonhanging by, combine these items to get a torch. Out, go L, look at the pipe, touch it to dropit to the ground, push it a couple of times or so and the end of the pipe willbe inside the hole.

Go R, get the rubber chicken to the R of the troll, up thestairs. You will notice, amongst otherthings, a large pink vase and a locked chest with a crown on top. Get the cushion and look in the barrel threetimes to get a painting, move L, Look at the container and dip thetorch into it, pick up a cannon ball and watch.

Go to the pipe and place the cushion on the board, up again and getanother cannon ball. Go down, push thecannon ball of the cushion, get to the R of the troll, light the torch and burnhis trousers: look at the hammer and getthe keys. Into the dungeon, use the keysto unlock Ivo, hand everything to her.IVO: Pick up the cannon ball. Examine the booth to the R. Putthe painting in the viewing window to the L, use the rubber chicken and thecannon ball with the torture machine, send the Critter to annoy the troll,watch.

Now wake up whoever is in thesmall cage with the large padlock.Afterthe long conversation send the Critter to hide in the pink vase and as Ivo,pick up the hammer and set fire to the banner; as the Critter, when the BlackGuard moves away, go L to pick up a parchment and hide in the vase again, tillthe Black Guard is looking away then join Ivo in the dungeon. Use the parchment on the bars and, as Ivo,break them. Have MacGuffinexamine the booth, pull the torch holder on the left and MacGuffinwill pull the one on the right. Get thebook and give it to the gremlin. Ask himfor his lock pick and use it on the locked chest upstairs.

You get a lot of coins which you must give tothe gremlin. Watch.PartIII: NATELookat the tree and get a branch, look at the termite mound. Go R and note the hooded chap.

Enter the tent and talk to Wilbur. Examine the skeleton, it contains an arrowhead.

Combine it with the feather and shaft to makean arrow.Talkto the chieftain and watch. You need tocheat. Talk to the termites. Go into the tent and you see the hooded chapleave.

To the L you will see on acushion what the termites wanted; take it to them and then place them on thedwarf. Hit it a second time. Go L, talk to the chieftain, watch, go R, talk to the figure who sends you to the merchant, talk to him, go back to thefigure and speak to him - he leaves the camp.

Enter the camp to the R and come back to get a bow from the figure. Go R and talk to the chieftain. Your shooting is lousy, so you have to do something about it.Leavethe plate alone, turn the pan once, turn the shield 3times and the wok twice. Now tell thechieftain you will shoot again.

Don't accept the terms andgo L to talk to the merchant. Hesuggests a game, you can't play it.Goto the figure and he will give you a crumbled piece of paper, equip it andright click on it to read the numbers 42, 79 and 2 1/2. Talk to the merchant again and play him forthe magnet.

Just reel off thenumbers. Go and attach the magnet to thetarget and tell the chieftain you want another go. Now go L for the final contest. You win.PartIV: WILBURGetthe wool from the basket and go out. Examine the target twice to get the magnet, combine that with thewool. Talk to the chieftain and askabout the circle.

He gives you themanual, read it twice, go L, use the magnet with the wire, combine it with thefoil. Go back to the tent, wear thehelmet and take the box.

Unfortunatelyyou can't take it out of the tent, so go talk to the termites. Bring them to the box and you can leave.

Watch.Chapter 5, The Wild Lands. Once againWatchsome more.

It would appear that Nate wonthe orc contest thanks to the hooded figure, who isalso Nate but in a different time continuum. Huh???Lookat the rubbish heap and get the balloon. Go in, watch. Examine the boardand get the measuring tape.

Look at thetermite mound, R, go into the tent and look at the cushion. Fast travel to the crypt and talk to thejester, ask for the board.

Look at allthe graves, talk to the jester and grab the board. Visit the teepeeand boil the measuring tape in the pot to shrink it.

Talk to the minotaurabout the bow; he wants firewater for his help.Goto the orc camp, hang the measuring tape on theboard, go to the tent and place the board on the cushion. Leave the tent, go L and watch the contest.

Go all the way L and stand by theentrance: Nate wants a bow, so you givehim the help you gave before. Leave thecamp and travel to the forge, pick up all those copper pots you made earlierand trade them to the merchant for the firewater. Take it to the minotaurand he gives you the antlers. Travel tothe ogres' place, open the cupboard and get the floss, combine it with theantlers to get a bow, take it to the orc camp. Nate asks for it. Go L and watch.Goto the ogres and pretend to be Ma'zaz. Talk to them again as Nate and offer tohelp.

R, fill the hotair balloon and watch. Go to thecamp and talk to the merchant; you get his shrinking ring for nothing, so takeit to the ogres, throw it in (click on the ring and you'll see that option atthe bottom of the screen) and watch. Goback to the camp. When in charge, use Ivo's cloth to swap the artifact.

Watch somemore.Ivoemerges from the booth. At this point,the text was untranslated German, so I don't knowwhat was being said. At any rate, haveIvo leave and go up the stairs. Watch: end of the game.Ifyou let the credits run to the end (amazing the amount of people needed for nota very long game), you'll see something cute.

Solve the tasks of all four gods.Wilbur must solve ONLY 3 TASKS of ANY 3 gods to contine the story. You must solve ALL tasks to get this achievement.For God of Riddles you must win enigma challenges.For God of Humour you must tell the joke about two cannibals. It is obtain by Ivo on Orge.For God of Good Stories you must tell the story with you wrote himself (do not matter what you telling).For Goddess of The Arts Ivo must pickup glockenspiel on the floor in staffroom and give it to Wilbur.As reward Wilbur obtain Laurel Wreath. Obtain the Book of the Dead.Story is 2 way to take the Book of the Dead:- not cheating. See achievement King of Games.- cheating.To do this Tut-Tut must win the game at last one. Ivo must have in her inventory studded wooden hammer and sharp chisel (it take back from wall in coridor with the trap).

After that when Nate start to play choose options - And Ivo? Why don't you take a bit of a look around in the mean time?Nate and Tut-Tut will start playing, but you can play as Ivo or Critter.Critter must to try take the Book of the Dead. Statue turn head to the Critter.Switch to Ivo and use hammer and chisel on wall with the game rules.

This change the rules.Switch to Nate and simply play the game as you wish. Nate lose the game, but according new rules he is WIN. Obtain the Igor outfit.After Wilbur go on to castle, talk to Count Orlov.- My name isn't Igor. It's Wilbur!- What was the deal with Igor and his suit?Go into entrance hall. Go down into the cellar.

Look at the note on top screenside. Read the note. Wilbur must find the way to Igor's room in full darkness on sound.Start our way - pass 'wind sound', pass 'snow sound under feet', on the third sound crossroad turn North untill Wilbur hear echoes.Go to the West untill hear 'water sound' and than turn to North.Then first turn to East until Wilbur hear 'wooden sound under the feet'. Than go to the North and the East.Wibur now in Igor's room.Look at Igor's cupboard, than open it.As reward to complete this side quest Wilbur obtain suit.

I really had problem getting the 'Drunken Master' achievement, I never managed to hit all the signs because clicking them brought me back to my desktop. After beating the game I found a solution to my problem and since it might help others I'm going to share it now.I have to monitors connected to my PC and TBoUT 2 runs as borderless window in fullscreen.

So the clicks on the signs somehow brought me back to my desktop because Windows thought I was clicking on the second screen's desktop. I just disconnected my second monitor and started the game again. With only one monitor connected I wasn't sent back to my desktop and got the achievement at my first try.:). Hi everyone!I had some trouble to get the Dirty Devil achievement that I like to share, since it's not a story achievement. Here it goes:To get this one you need to read a law book in the library two times and take the book with you. Before you make the broom stop on the entrance hall, go to the Headmaster and talk to him about some law.

Wilbur will show the Headmaster the book and the Headmaster will discharge Wilbur of the task of cleaning the cobwebs. Then you go to the entrance hall and stop the broom, and all cleaning tasks will be completed and the achievement will pop up.The format of this guide is awesome, I hope I could collaborate a little.

=)Thanks Samum!