
Dec 30, 2014  Die Gute Fabrik is raising funds for SPORTSFRIENDS featuring Johann Sebastian Joust on Kickstarter! A compendium of four joyfully fun local multiplayer games for. Gather your mates around and jump into a compendium of award-winning multiplayer games. Score against your friends in the wonderfully wacky retro-styled BariBariBall, have a crack at pole vaulting reimagined in Super Pole Riders, enjoy the mayhem of ice hockey-like Hokra and get up close and personal against your friends in physical party game Johann Sebastian Joust.

Funded via Kickstarter two years ago, Sportsfriends is a four-part collection of local multiplayer indie games — BaraBariBall, Hokra, Johann Sebastian Joust and Super Pole Riders — from four different developers.Like most local multiplayer games, Sportsfriends is about getting your pals involved. The collection was billed as a party game that anyone could play or enjoy watching, and it's a promise that Sportsfriends delivers on beautifully.Sportsfriends feels completely natural as a compilation, thanks to its running hook: competition. In BaraBariBall, your goal is to score points while keeping your opponents down with kicks, punches and special moves — a simple premise that delivers a surprising amount of depth for a game with only three selectable fighters. While players ultimately want to dunk the ball in their color-coded side of the watery field, the trick is to do so without drowning. Each death comes with a point-snatching penalty, which prevents cheap suicide scores. BaraBariBall made me shift my strategy depending on how many people I played with. When I faced off against one person, speed and incapacitating my competition with a well-placed smack were key.

On a team, however, I was a different player. Cooperation became my focus; if I left my partner alone, it was easy for the opposing team to overwhelm him or her, steal the ball and score.

Baseball 9 guide Stop the Stealers. If one of the opponents is one of the bases; he may try to steal the ball. Steal The Base – Base Running. Tap the run icon to instruct the team player to run to. If you hit the ball, all the players will run towards the next base. Baseball 9 tips. Try Auto-Play. Baseball Nine has an auto-play feature that lets your team play without input from you. This is a convenient way to keep playing even if you are busy. We hope you’ve enjoyed our list of Baseball Nine tips, tricks and cheats. If you have anything to add, please let us know below in the comment area! Related Posts.

I was constantly switching up my playstyle — a welcome alternative to settling in and getting comfortable. Sportsfriends feels natural as a compilationHokra, the most 'sports-like' of the bunch, kept me from getting too cozy as well. With teams of two-on-two, players catch, throw and carry a ball into their respective areas to gradually color it in.

Although Hokra remains as approachable and understandable as its mates, I often grew bored during matches. I spent most of my time chasing down opposing players or bouncing them off while I waited for my square to fill. The game feels more like a feeding frenzy than a match; I never felt any real challenge beyond one of a gut-reaction level.

It also requires four people to play, which makes it more difficult to arrange a match than any of the other included games.With more friends around, I found myself spending the most time with Johann Sebastian Joust — one of the better known and bigger games with support for four players on PlayStation 4 and up to seven on PlayStation 3. Using a DualShock 3, DualShock 4 or PlayStation Move controller, players guard their remote from physical attacks.

Each motion a player makes must be in time with the game's music, which speeds up and slows down to allow a variety of movement. Too much jostling will knock a player out, meaning that flailing or moving too quickly can result in an untimely end.The allowance for movement, depending on the speed of the music, always felt fair. If my arm was shaken successfully by another player, I knew my time was up without having to look. By keeping my arm steady, I could withstand being pushed, poked and prodded, and matching my dashes and other quick movements was easy to accomplish. For a game so physical, everyone I played with was on equal ground. I watched a friend topple a player twice her size with a well-placed tap, and another lanky player gracefully dodge any attempts made on his controller. The game excels at rewarding players who respect its rules, rather than use brute force or cheap tricks.

For a game so physical, everyone was on equal groundRules have less of a presence in Super Pole Riders, Sportsfriends' most challenging — but also most satisfying — entry. Using only a single button and an analog stick, players fling a pole vaulter through the air in an effort to push a ball into their goal on the opposite side. It's easier said than done. Lining up the runner with his noodle-like pole to launch a successful vault or even using it to push the target ball felt foreign to me at first — the gaming equivalent of patting my stomach while rubbing my head.After a few matches, however, I picked up on exactly how to angle the pole and how far back to charge for a productive jump. By positioning myself above competing vaulters, I could bounce off their heads, knocking them out for a few seconds and giving myself the advantage. Every win felt like a real success — not just dumb luck, but an effort that I'd earned — while each loss was a chance to improve on my own tactics. Wrap Up: Sportsfriends is a party for everyone.

The PlayStation 4 is quickly becoming the go-to console for local multiplayer games:, and all provide the foundation for an amazing Saturday night with friends. Now, thanks to Die Gute Fabrik, we can add another game to this list: Sportsfriends.If you're looking for the on the PlayStation 4, look no further than Sportsfriends.The PremiseSportsfriends is a collection of, designed for two to four players per game. In fact, there isn't any single player modes to be found in the entire package: This is a purely multiplayer affair, and one without online either. If you don't have any local friends, this game won't be for you.


Sportsfriends aims for a very specific audience and the game is all the better for this laser tight focus. The GamesAs mentioned earlier, is a collection of four games, each playing very differently but all revolving around a single theme: sports.Super Pole RidersFrom the creator of QWOP comes Super Pole Riders, another entry in the fumblecore genre (previously seen on the PS4 with ). The goal of Super Pole Riders is to hit the ball to your opponent's side, but there's a twist: controlling your character is difficult due to the actual physics at play. If you've played Octodad, you know what to expect here.

Super Pole Riders isn't something you can take seriously: You'll likely stop caring about score and instead laugh at the hilarious antics of the on-screen characters. For some people, the game will be frustrating but for most, it will be a blast.Super Pole Riders can be played with two or four players.

If four players are playing, they will be split into teams of two. As an added bonus, you can share controllers in Super Pole Riders.BaribariballBaribariball is best described as Super Smash Brothers meets volleyball.

Start the party at mirages voyage

The objective is to smash a ball into your opponent's goal using a variety of special attacks. While Super Pole Riders doesn't have many options to choose from, Baribariball includes multiple playable characters and levels. The game features a layer of depth you see in most fighting games, as match-ups become more about critical thinking than fast reflexes. While Super Pole Riders is more about laughter than competitiveness, Baribariball is more for the ultra competitive crowd.

Like most fighting or sports games, Baribariball is a game that changes with every match due to the nature of human thinking and is something that can be played again and again.Baribariball can be played with two or four players. If four players are playing, they will be split into teams of two.HokraAt first glance, it's hard to determine how exactly Hokra fits in with the sports theme of the package. However, after playing it, you'll see its shine through.

The objective in Hokra is to keep the ball away from other players, scoring points the longer you hold onto the ball in your respective area. Hokra is as simple to describe as it is simple looking, but that doesn't make it any less fun. In addition, Hokra comes with a level editor so you can create your own levels, giving it far more replayability than the previous two games.Unfortunately, Hokra requires four players to play, but like Super Pole Riders, you can share controllers.Johann Sebastian JoustJohann Sebastian Joust, called Joust from here on in, is the real draw of the package.

This multiplayer game is so amazing, and such a great time, that you'll look at the previous three games as merely a bonus. The ironic part is that Joust is the least game-like feature of the whole package. In Joust, up to four players stand up and each grabs a controller: either a or a PlayStation Move. The objective of this game is to then jostle the other player's controller through physical contact, but the game isn't that easy: you can only move as fast the tempo of the music. When the music freezes, you must freeze lest you knock yourself out of the game. When the music speeds up, you can move faster and more recklessly as you attempt to hit other player's controllers.Joust has a full bevy of options to choose from, such as changing the announcer's voice (which includes the famous narrator from Bastion), enabling power-ups, setting teams, and more.It's a physical game, but one that never seems unfair: smaller, more agile players don't have an advantage as the premise of the game puts everyone on equal ground. If you're anything like my group of friends, it's best to clear out a large area of space as this game will likely get a bit violent.Joust is the ultimate party game.Final VerdictIt's hard to define Sportsfriends as a game, but it's definitely a party experience.

If you're the type of gamer who frequently has guests over and you don't mind getting a bit physical, this collection is worth a purchase for Joust alone. Gamers and non-gamers are all on equal footing in this package, making it one of the most perfect party games on not only the PS4, but any system.The PlayStation 4 is all about providing unique, fun experiences and Sportsfriends definitely qualifies. It won't be for everyone, and the games have varying lengths of replayability, but if you're looking for one of the most fun local multiplayer experiences in your gaming life then give Sportsfriends a try.Final Score: 8/10Game Category: &A copy of this game was provided to PS4 Experts by Die Gute Fabrik for review purposes.Article by -Insert Date: 5/7/2014See Also:. PES 2014.