Myst Uru Complete Chronicles Patch Download

How-To Geek Forums / Windows 7

Several years ago I purchased 'Myst V End of Ages' and installed it on my PC which at that time was running Windows XP. After I installed it it would not run so I went to the support site on the internet and found a patch. I installed the patch and it worked fine. I got about half way through the Myst V adventure when my PC died. I built a new PC and installed Windows 7. I never installed the Myst V and forgot about it. I just tried to install it on my Windows 7 PC but I could not find the patch I had downloaded. Myst V installed but when I try to run it I get an error and it will not start. I am unable to find that patch on UBISOFT web site. Has anyone on used Myst V on there Windows 7 computers and if so can you lead me to the patch I seem to need.

Myst Online: Uru Live Again. Welcome back, again. The Ages of Uru are available again. We’ve opened all the Ages, and added most of the goodies in MO:UL. We’re referring to it as MO:ULagain—feel free to explore and enjoy. And the cost is pretty good.

Any help here LarrySr :

GuiltySpark; that is the web site were I was searching for the patch and I could not find any for Myst V running on a PC. I did find one for MAC but that is no help to me as I only run PC's. Since I posted here I registered with UBISOFT and posted my problem to there tech support but that could take a long while before I hear from them if at all. I was hoping that someone on here might have run Myst V and have the patch. Here is a patch that you may wish to try at your own risk. Medal of honor underground manon. I have not had a Myst game for at least 10 years so no way to test.

Thank you warlock I will try that patch. Do you know if that site is a safe site to download from?

It should be safe WOT scores the site in the nineties.

I managed to get Myst V End of Ages running under Window 7. Here is how I did it.

How to make Myst V run under Windows 7

1. First install Myst V on your Windows 7 computer.
2. Go and download the zip file.
3. Unzip the files.
4. Copy the folder INIT that was unzipped under the directory Myst5InitfileMyst V End of Ages to C:users<your windows name>AppDataLocalMyst V End Of Ages

That should make Myst V work for you running under Windows 7. It worked for me.

Edit: direct downloads are not permitted.

Warlock what is WOT? Is that something I should have? It is used to check web sites for bad reputation. Many use it here at HTG.

Glad you game is running but, had to delete your link as it was a direct download and not permitted onsite.

Myst Uru Complete Chronicles Patch Download

I use WOT on my computers and it is great! It works just like AVG Safe Search (I think that's the name of it).

Sorry about that link. I didn't know abut that restriction. If anyone wants the link they can contact me and I will email it to them.

I'm sorry too Larry, If you have a website where the download is located that would be okay.

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