Chocobo Racing Guide Ff7

FF7 Remake Chocobo Sam Quest Guide A Dynamite Body Quest. Reward: Arcane Scepter, HP and MP restored. Speak with Sam to get this chapter 9 side quest in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. However, here are some requirements you need to meet first. Chocobo Racing Prizes. By Lassarina Aoibhell. The following is a chart of the various prizes you can win at Chocobo Racing, what ranks they are available at, and their GP value if you choose to trade them in for GP.

Final Fantasy VII Chocobo Guide – Side QuestsHere you will find a complete Final Fantasy VII chocobo guide. Below is a list of all the sections to this guide. Simply click on a click to go to that particular section.Do you love Chocobos? Have you ever wanted to race Chocobos at the Gold Saucer? Or would you like to see the world the way it was meant to be seen, from the back of your very own Chocobo? Well, in Final Fantasy VII, Choco Bill’s Chocobo Ranch is there to help you make your dreams come true.

With their help, you’ll soon be breeding your very own world-class Chocobos.Chocobos are fun-loving creatures with gentle demeanours. When properly trained, they can become pets, help with industrial projects, or act as transportation. You can often find them in the wild, normally around grassy plains. Dying light bad blood steam charts. Just look for their tracks.Because of their friendly demeanour, you can easily capture them in the wild. However, you’ll need some special bait to help lure them out of hiding. Choco Bill’s Chocobo Ranch is pleased to announce that they’ve purchased a limited quantity of Chocobo Lure Materia that they’ll be selling at a special price.

With this Materia in hand, you should have no trouble locating a Chocobo. Just remember to be nice to your bird or it may run off or turn violent. You can also coax Chocobos into sticking around longer by feeding them Greens.You can ride your Chocobo anywhere you see fit. Chocobos can travel across land but can’t cross water or mountains without the aid of a man-made path.

While traveling on your Chocobo, you can avoid encounters with any sort of nasty creatures that might be lurking nearby. Just remember this: Once you dismount, your Chocobo will high-tail it back to its homelands.Looking for something a little more permanent? Choco Bill’s Chocobo Ranch can rent you up to six Chocobo stalls for the low, low price of 10,000 Gil each. All you need to do is capture the Chocobos and feed them as you see fit.His children and farmhands, Choco Billy and Chole, handle the day-to-day chores involved in raising these fun-loving birds. Billy handles the sales of our fine line of nuts and greens, which are essential items when breeding a top-class Chocobo. He also helps manage the feeding and tracking of your Chocobos.

Chole helps you keep track of any additional information you might pick up regarding Chocobo breeding. She also has quite a knack for judging and comparing the abilities of all the Chocobos in the stable area.After renting a stable or two, it’s time to go Chocobo hunting. Equip the Chocobo Lure Materia, and find some Chocobo tracks.

After capturing a Chocobo, you’re given the option to send it back to the stables. If you choose to do so, Billy will keep your new bird in the pen outside the stables until you have a chance to better inspect it. Each pen can hold up to four Chocobos at a time, so make sure you capture your limit before returning to the ranch.Well, if you’d like there are plenty of wild Chocobo’s that roam the prairies around the ranch. They’re easy to capture but not always of the highest quality. To get the really good birds, you’ll have to travel to pretty exotic lands and withstand some harsh climates. Beginners may find it a bit of a bother at first, but it’s worth it. Chocobos are like any other kind of animal.

Where life is easy, like the plains surrounding the Chocobo Ranch, the Chocobos grow up to be a little lazy and weak. In a dangerous climate like the polar cap, Chocobos typically either don’t make it or they grow up to be extremely tough. That’s why it’s worth the trek to those far off lands. Over the years, we’ve collected a lot of information on the various places Chocobos can be found.You may find the world’s best Chocobos inside Choco Bill’s Chocobo Ranch, but the plains surrounding the ranch are a poor hunting ground. There are lots of Chocobos to be had, but most are lazy and slow. The weather is too perfect, Greens are abundant, and the Chocobos really don’t have any natural enemies in the area.

Heck someday you may even see a wild Chocobo running happily along side a pack of Levrikon.After moving your Chocobos from the pen to the stables, you will be given an assessment of the birds. There are several types of Chocobos, some of which you’ll want to avoid. These are the types:Chocobo TypeChoco Billy’s Assessments.Wonderful“Thisis a wonderful Chocobo!”Great“This is a great Chocobo.”.“Mmm, this seems like a good Chocobo.”Good“Mmm, this one’s not bad.”Average“This is a pretty average Chocobo.”##Poor“This one doesn’t seem to be very good.”##Weak“I can’t recommend this one.”A Chocobo’s initial “type” determines its future speed, intelligence, and stamina limitations. Because breeding Chocobos isn’t cheap, you’ll never want to start with anything less than a Great Chocobo.Now you’ll want to feed and train your Chocobo to make it the best that it can be. Feeding Greens to your Chocobo will raise its statistics, plus it increases the Chocobo’s fondness for you.

You can also train your Chocobo by racing it at the Gold Saucer, which helps ensure that your Chocobo’s offspring turn out to be champions.You can find Greens after defeating some monsters, but it’s much easier to purchase them from us. We carry a wide variety of Greens at reasonable prices. Remember, the higher the quality the Green, the stronger the effect. Our Greens have the following effects: GreenPrice+Speed+Intellect+StaminaGysahl Greens100NoNoYesKrakka Greens250NoYesNoTantal Greens400YesYesYesPahsana Greens800NoYesNoCuriel Greens1000YesNoYesMimett Greens1500YesNoYesWhen you feed a green to your Chocobo and its statistics don’t improve, it has reached its maximum potential in that area. When this happens, you can either work on another statistics or take your Chocobo to the Gold Saucer for a little workout. Please be aware that it’s possible that other types of greens may exist, but if they do the ranch doesn’t sell themyet!Racing Chocobos helps them pass along their statistics to their offspring. Two untrained Chocobos will give birth to a much weaker baby than two champions will.

This makes it essential that you train your Chocobos hard before breeding them.How do I race, you ask? When you arrive at the Gold Saucer, speak with Ester at the Chocobo Racing forum. You can register the Chocobo of your choice for the next race in the chosen Chocobo’s class. There are four Chocobo classes. Class C is the slowest class. Class B is a little faster than Class C, but is still easy to beat.

Class A is the toughest of the normal classes, but a “Great” Chocobo can easily trounce the competition. The final class is the S Class. Only world-class Chocobos make it this far.Experienced Chocobo jockeys know that speed isn’t everything. A Chocobo with a high amount of stamina can easily outrun one with better top speed. The Chocobo with stamina can be pushed harder for a longer period of time, which easily makes up for the difference in speed. Also, it’s not a good idea to let your Chocobos race for themselves. Sure, you can get away with it in the lower classes, but not in an S Class race.

Look for special Chocobos, ones that can breeze through the course without panicking at the sight of water or twisting hills.One of the top riders goes by the name of Teioh. His rare Black Chocobo is extremely fast and has an incredible amount of stamina. Don’t be surprised if he grinds you to a pulp the first few times you race him. Black Chocobos are a product of years of breeding. Unfortunately, the secret of breeding a Black Chocobo was lost years ago, but there may be someone out there that still might know.Now that you have several championship quality Chocobos, it’s time to start breeding them to acquire an even better Chocobo. When you’re interested in doing so, the ranch will guide you through the steps.

First, make sure you have an empty stall in the stable because the little one needs a place to sleep, you know. Also, make sure you have two eligible Chocobos, which means a male and a female that have both had time to mature and haven’t mated recently. Things will be checked to make sure everything is in order, and then you will be asked to choose a nut. If you don’t own any nuts, there is a selection that can be purchased for breeding purposes. This includes: NutPricePepio Nut100Luchile Nut200Saraha Nut400Lasan Nut600Nuts help determine what kind the baby will resemble. Obviously, the better the nut, the more likely the baby will be stronger than its parents.

There have been rumours of some nuts that can produce a completely unique type of Chocobo. Of course, I’ve never seen such a nut or a unique baby to back up this claim.

However, that may be how Teioh acquired his Black Chocobo. Anyway, keep your eyes open for any unique nuts you may find while traveling around the world. They just might prove to come in handy.What else should you know?

At one time, there were two now extinct types of Chocobo roaming the planet: The Mountain-Chocobo and the River-Chocobo. The Mountain-Chocobo was a green tinted bird with the ability to cross mountains.

The River-Chocobo was a blue bird that could cross any shallow body of water. Remember that there are some parts of this planet that just can’t be reached by conventional means. On the other hand, the right kind of Chocobo can cross anything.Long ago, there was a guy named Chocobo Sage. If you can find him, he will surely tell you all about breeding Mountain- or River-Chocobos. He may even be able to tell you about the Black Chocobo.

If you do find him, let Bill’s daughter, Chole, know and she’ll keep track of any information he may give you.In the mountains deep within the arctic continent, you’ll find a small house with a strange man named Chocobo Sage. He has advice on how to raise the Green, Blue, Black, and Gold Chocobos. You can also pick up an “Enemy Skill” Materia just for stopping by and speaking with his pet Chocobo.There’s also stuff to buy at the Chocobo Sage’s house. Here you’ll find the coveted Sylkis Greens as well as several other Chocobo related items.

NutPricePorov Nut2000Pram Nut1500Sylkis Greens5000Reagan Greens3000The Chocobo Sage’s house can only be reached by airship or on the back of a Chocobo with mountain crossing abilities. If you have trouble finding it, it’s directly west of the Corral Valley Cave’s west exit.

Page ToolsThe first time you come to the Gold Saucer, the only thing you'll be able to do at Chocobo Square is bet on the Class B or C Chocobo Races. If you're interested, talk to the receptionist behind the Bookmaker's desk. Based solely on the raw attributes of the six competitors, your task will be to surmise which two Chocobos will finish first and second and purchase the corresponding tickets. If you win, you can exchange your ticket for either an item or GP. You won't be able to win any items of note until you can bet on Class A and S races, and you won't be able to do that until you own a Class A or S Chocobo yourself.

Unless there's fair dinkum working-class Australian blood coursing through your veins, this probably isn't the best way to go about getting the items available here. Visit Chocobo Square once you have a Chocobo of your own and you'll be able to enter your mount in the Chocobo Races. Talk to Ester near the door to the Staff Room and she'll register you. All Chocobos start out at Class C. When you win three races in your class, you'll move up to the next class. With the proper preparation, most regular Chocobos should be capable of achieving Class S. However; due to their disadvantage on steep inclines, over water and in other hazards; you may find it difficult to win there.

More often than not, you'll be up against Joe and his Black Chocobo, Teioh. Until you've bred a special Chocobo, he'll be nearly impossible to beat. With a Gold Chocobo, you'll almost never lose.Before the race begins, you'll probably want to press SELECT and take manual control of your Chocobo.During the race, holding R1 + R2 to continually recover your stamina is absolutely essential, especially in the higher classes.

It's usually best to sprint △ out of the gate to build up a decent lead, taking care to keep your stamina gauge at least one-quarter full. Keep your speed at maximum O and use the middle portion of the race to recover your stamina. Sprint again during the home stretch and you should be able to win. You may have to get physical and block another Chocobo from passing you to preserve your lead.

Win the race and you'll receive the item (or its value in GP) indicated on the winning ticket. The first time you win ten Class S races, Ester will give you a prize package that includes SPRINT SHOES, a PRECIOUS WATCH, a CAT'S BELL, a CHOCOBRACELET, and a COUNTER ATTACK MATERIA. Items you can win as a Chocobo jockey include those found in Ester's prize package plus COUNTER MATERIA, ENEMY AWAY MATERIA, SNEAK ATTACK MATERIA and MAGIC COUNTER MATERIA.